We're back, baby


It says we can use Markdown!! I strongly suggest spending some time with this cheat sheet (LOVE that we can do in-line links now!!!) because it is a really great way to add formatting and supported by quite a few sites. You can even try this and see a preview right here to the right of your post as you type! Some basics:

  • Italics - surround the word with single *
  • bold - surround the word with single **
  • bold and italics - surround the word with single ***
  • Inline fixed-width - suround the word with single ` (that is a back-tick on the same key as the tilde (~)
  • A block quote is a line that starts with a > !

  • Type three --- on an empty line and make a separator


Headers can be done by adding # or ## or ### at the start of a line to set the level"

Header 1

Header 2

Header 3

Header 4, etc…


Fixed Width Text Blocks

"Preformatted" text in a text block. This is great for posting 
quick tables that are already 
                      in columns!

The above is done by putting three backticks (```) on a line all alone, above and below the text. Tip: Put the three backtics in above and below an empty line before you start typing in to it so you can see the preview live on the right. Tricky bit: This is actually designed to make posting code pretty, so it will try and color the text in a way you probably don’t want. Simply add some letters after the first line, such as the word “text” like so:

| ```text
| I type stuff here
| ```

and It looks like

I type stuff here

…seems complicated but once you do it a time or two it is very nice to use.

Here is a table of CRWD’s recent revenue and YoY growth pasted in to what I show above.

                     Jul-22	Apr-22	Jan-22	Oct-21	Jul-21	Apr-21	Jan-21
Total revenues  	 487.8	431.0	380.1	337.7	302.8	264.9	232.5
Revenue growth  	 61.1%	62.7%	63.5%	69.7%	70.1%	74.2%	85.8%


…and if you really want to spend some time, you can even use tables:

Jul-22 Apr-22 Jan-22 Oct-21 Jul-21 Apr-21 Jan-21
Total revenues 487.8 431.0 380.1 337.7 302.8 264.9 232.5
Revenue growth 61.1% 62.7% 63.5% 69.7% 70.1% 74.2% 85.8%

This might seem like more work but you can be very messy! Just add in the right number of | and such and it shows up nice! The above looks like the following mess before it becomes the nice table above:

|  | Jul-22|	Apr-22|	Jan-22	|Oct-21|	Jul-21|	Apr-21|	Jan-21|
| -----------  | -----------  | -----------  | -----------  | -----------  | -----------  | ----------- |  ------------ |
| Total revenues | 	 487.8|	431.0|	380.1	|337.7|	302.8|	264.9	|232.5|
|Revenue growth  	| 61.1%	|62.7%	|63.5%	|69.7%	|70.1%	|74.2%	|85.8%

Pretty cool!