Remember when you could order checks in lots of 200, or more? Now, the most I can order is 80. I need to order more checks every year. Harrumph!
Remember when you could order checks in lots of 200, or more? Now, the most I can order is 80. I need to order more checks every year. Harrumph!
I have not written a check in over 15 years.
I’m down to two checks. One for the church and the other for the yard guy.
I have skipped church since age 6.
I think I am a better person for it.
I make most payments via my bank’s online bill pay system. When my bank has a relationship with the payee, the payment is electronic. Otherwise, the bank sends a check and covers the postage.
About the only thing I regularly write paper checks for is my kids’ school stuff. I don’t send them with cash when the cost is above $10, and the school district charges a convenience fee for paying electronically.
Home Fool
I used to renew my car registration with a credit card, via the Michigan Secretary of State web site. Then the state started charging a processing fee for credit card transactions, and never discloses up front what the fee will be. Now, they get a paper check in the mail, like this was 1975.
We’ve become so inured to this double speak that it usually passes without notice or comment.
Convenience fee?
How about “service charge”, or my favorite, “We need the 2% more than you do extra cost.”
I remember having this discussion before. It is easy to order 400 checks at a time online. As an example, Carousel Checks sells four boxes of the basic blue safety checks for $26. Each box has 100 checks. Google is your friend.
Can you pay by check?
That’s because the vast majority of people hardly use checks nowadays. I use 2 or 3 a year. Most recently to order passports for two of my kids. The post office required two separate checks and attached them to the application that they forwarded to the passport office. The fee at the post office, I was able to pay using my phone via their payment device (as I pay for almost everything retail now).
And if you REALLY want a lot of checks, just order them via any of the online services that do so. or whatever. Or Or any of the others. And if you want, search for a coupon code and they will be really cheap for your “first order”.
When we moved over 6. years ago, I bought the least amount of checks possible for personal and business use which was around 150. Still haven’t reordered. Gross majority of the time I pay through my bank bill pay system (I don’t do automatic draft).
The places that still get checks are those that want to pass on the credit card charge which is usually around 3%. Or a $5-10 charge for electronic payment. Either case, way cheaper to mail a check by far.
You can order them up to 1200 at a time from Costco.
I’m trying to think of the last time I wrote a check though, and I’m coming up blank…
You guys are missing the point. That I can’t order 200+ checks at a time through the bank’s portal, as I did for years.
What difference does it make where you order the checks? Back when I used checks I never ordered them from the bank.
I think they should charge you a processing fee for paying by check instead. Not had a check book since 2004… last time I saw one was those Covid checks that got sent to me half way around the world which I then had to send back by mail to be deposited. Anything requiring printing and extra manual work should have a extra fee