Which is more valuable macro economically? Information or Disinformation?

Every business depends on information from inventories, P&L statements, the debits and credits of bookkeeping, and hundreds of other pieces of information. That is true whether it is the taco truck or the international business that made the truck. But the macro economy doesn’t run on information. It doesn’t run at all. It is a collection of shared thoughts, ideas, and speculations. Some of them are based on data but others are based on the spin given to the data. It is the spin where disinformation comes into the picture. Given the right spin at the right time to the right people the story about the macro economy can change in ways that run counter to the data. Tell me what you think.


I think its important to take a public finance class

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Inflation is a feature, not a bug. :beetle:

The Economy is a Complex System. Classical economics are mostly obsolete.

During my ten years as a management consultant and during the preceding seven working for American multinationals I had the opportunity to experience a huge variety of inventory systems. Every time I though I knew it all the next customer would have a different need and a system to match. An anecdote…

One of my clients was a sugar refinery, from sugar cane to sugar, molasses, rum, fiberboard, and even chemicals for the pharma industry. Of course I optimized the system but during the final presentation Pablo Blanco, the warehouse manager said, “That will never work.” I asked him why not but he refused to answer. It is important to note that Pablo Blanco was a high ranking laborer while I was “Management” and back then people were supposed to know their place. I had to insist for Pablo Blanco to speak up. It was only when I said i would not continue the presentation until he spoke up that he finally did.

They had two requisition forms, one normal letter paper size and another that had the format of an airline ticket. I had dispensed with the latter in the name of efficiency. Pablo Blanco said, “The engineers work up and down the mill and carry the small order form in their back pocket. They won’t use the long form.”

Imagine that, the size of an order form can bring down a system.

I thanked Pablo Blanco and took his advice. BTW, he introduced me to A Message To Garcia.

The Captain


Interesting idea. There’s a lot of doom and gloom over some of the proposals floated by TFG, including the obvious negative economic impacts.

He could just post some Truths saying he’s done stuff, without actually doing it. What would happen if TFG announced at the end of January that he’s already…

  • Deported over 10M immigrants
  • Implemented a 200% tariff on Chinese goods
  • Slashed the federal government by 30%
  • Cut taxes for everyone in the country by 15%

Riding the momentum of the current economy…He could then tell everyone he fixed everything, all without suffering the consequences of his inflationary policy ideas.

Seems like the majority of people in the US would believe him.


Yes, he could and given the disinformation networks that support him, he would have the backing of a large percentage of the population. At this time, I think disinformation wins over information.

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Idiots would swallow anything he said without question.

However, fake tax cuts would NOT show up in their next paychecks. So, after a couple pay periods, no extra cash in the paychecks. So the rest just falls apart as well.

10-million people deported would be highly visible to the public AND THE PRESS nationwide. So THAT claim falls apart quickly.

The fake tariffs could be “passed along” (or absorbed by the “good company”?) by the companies by jacking up prices. When the fraud is caught, the execs would be crucified in a wide range of massive lawsuits in the courts–as would anyone associated with them.

Govt slashing jobs would be highly visible to the public AND the press. A fake claim there would be easily identified.

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Exactly. You bring up some good points about how this disinformation would be “found out” by normies. That doesn’t mean his supporters won’t continue to believe him.


They may not–until they get targeted (for whatever). It might be an Internet thing, or even a message to them from XThen things change very suddenly, shall we say. It could be something on the Internet or even a message to them (on X or elsewhere) targeting them. Analogous would be the messages sent to black students telling them to report to be slaves. Nothing as effective as identifying some personally as a target of an ICE deportation.

But remember Pastor Niemoller ended his famous text with:
“Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me”