Remember all the hootin’ and hollering about Gigacasting? Probably louder than the (now dead) “unboxing” paradigm shift that was going to save 50% of production costs.
Whoops, there goes Gigacasting:
So: Charger network, fired.
Unboxing, re-boxed.
Gigacasting, uncasted.
Workforce, reduced.
See how there is nothing being said about Optimus, Dojo, or FSD? That seems strange. You would have thought he would have stopped Optimus, and Dojo. After all he has been buying a ton of NVDA chips, you would have thought that would be an easy place to cut. Hmmmm, wonder what’s going on.
Makes me wonder if he’s lining up to sell Tesla. All of these “nuts” moves add up to massive cost reductions to make it more attractive for some other entity to pick it up. Car business is hard. This has “mission accomplished” all over it.