The MF Post of the Day is going on vacation until July 8, so there were only sixteen Post’s of the Day in June. Would you believe that our single board got six of them, or 37.5% of all the Post’s of the Day? from all of Fooldom? Last month we got six of nineteen, which was amazing, and a record. This month it was six of sixteen, which was even more amazing.
I know you are getting blasé about this, but 37% of all posts of the day coming from one of thousands of Fool boards, is extraordinary! Thanks to all of you who have all contributed to making this board what it is.
The posts were
#9599 - Thoughts on Selling by ChanceEldrDancer (Rich)
#9545 - Some thoughts from Seattle by nevercontent (Neil)
#9361 - Paycom: SaaS in the cloud by buynholdisdead (Andy)
#9269 - Sprouts: A lot of food for thought by imuafool (Ray)
#9181 - Anirban’s SWIR Q1 2015 notes by CMFgoLong (anirban)
#8962 - Monthly summary of my positions by SaulR80863 (Saul)