a book

There was a recent obituary for Geraldine Weiss (1926-2022), who ran Investment Quality Trends newsletter. She supposedly had a strong track record in the 70’s and 80’s. She co-authored a book in 1988, “Dividends Don’t Lie,” suggesting that earnings can be manipulated, but dividends are real money.


just a follow up…

After poking around online, there is a sequel book “Dividends Still Don’t Lie”, or something like that, in which Ms. Weiss wrote a forward for it. And the Investment Quality Trends newsletter is still active, with high marks from Hulbert for high performance on a risk-adjusted basis.


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She co-authored a book in 1988, “Dividends Don’t Lie,” suggesting that earnings can be manipulated, but dividends are real money.

earnings can be manipulated, but dividends are real money*!*

Deserved to be said again, so I did. :wink:

Here y’all go! :wink:

After poking around online, there is a sequel book “Dividends Still Don’t Lie”, or something like that, in which Ms. Weiss wrote a forward for it.

In 1988, Geraldine Weiss wrote a book called Dividends Don’t Lie. That book detailed the dividend value strategy behind Investment Quality Trends. Ms. Weiss founded Investment Quality Trends. It is a successful investment newsletter. Dividends Still Don’t Lie


Recent obituary for Geraldine Weiss (1926-2022)

Whoever said, "you can't take it with you" was lying!!

Look at the price...


Geraldine Weiss (March 16, 1926 – April 25, 2022) was an American trader, co-founder of Investment Quality Trends and was nicknamed “the Grande Dame of Dividends” and “The Dividend Detective” for her unconventional value approach investment style by focusing on a company’s dividends rather than earnings.[1]


Dang, it must be a collector book for that price.
There was a follow up, “Dividends Still Don’t Lie”, and a second edition to that also, available for a much more reasonable price, and accessable online if one knows where to look.

You can get “Dividends Still Don’t Lie” at ebooks.com for around $31

But then, dividends can lie, as can happen if there is no net operational cash flow and the dividend is paid from corporate savings (C&CE) or directly from borrowed dollars. This circumstance is unusual, but possible. However, the real question here is not really implied lying or truthing…its whether the distribution to shareholders is sustainable or not.