A history of Fort Bragg world's largest military installtion

very informative video.

and the comments:

@Onix.556 As someone that was stationed at Ft Bragg starting in 1999-2013. I’ll never forget what they told us during processing. “There are hookers everywhere off base, if you decide to pick one up you should know that statistically out of 10 hookers 6 will be in the military and out of that 6, 4 will be men dressed up as women”. I remember thinking {{ redacted }}. }}


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I was Bragg during the same time (91-94). I never heard that and never once saw a hooker. That doesn’t mean they were not there, but his takeaway is simply silly - that the hookers are active military and mostly men.

I will remind readers that this was pre-Don’t Ask Don’t Tell days so the risk of a military man in drag being a hooker is massive and in no way would be worth whatever little money they could make. Not only would you face a Dishonorable Discharge, you would also be committing a federal crime that could land you in a military prison.

So, it sounds like a briefing one might give to scare a new 18-yr old recruit - have a little fun with them.

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