Am at our rural property, which tends to get jet fighters doing canyoning exercises. Usually no more than two jets, together, per day, and not daily. Since 9 AM have had about a dozen fly overs. Insanely more active. What is going on?
We frequent the FLA panhandle in the rough vicinity of Pensacola. Usually see a couple helicopters and couple fighter jets go up and down the coast daily. Every now and then get multiple trips and a formation or two of Blue Angels. Usually means an airshow is coming.
You ever seen a B52 land on a aircraft carrier. Either have I. The reason you think it is sloppy is because they fly bigger planes not those small kia size ones.
Back to IP’s question - Could it be an Air National Guard weekend?
My parents live close to one of their air bases. About every other month they get a bit of an air show as several different planes fly around the pattern doing touch and goes.