OT: Are We at War?

Am at our rural property, which tends to get jet fighters doing canyoning exercises. Usually no more than two jets, together, per day, and not daily. Since 9 AM have had about a dozen fly overs. Insanely more active. What is going on?

expecting anything could happen these days



We would not know but reports that we are gearing up to take the canal have been in the air about a week ago.


The Houthis? Might be our best bet for this.

I am thinking they have a monthly fuel allowance and if they don’t use it the lose it. :joy:


Drill baby drill

Cut supplies please cut supplies keep the price up.

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As a pilot you have to fly a certain amount each month or you don’t get your flight pay.


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And it is getting late in the month.



Patriot missiles for Ukraine and US military movements

Russia and Ukraine have a ceasefire as of this morning

We frequent the FLA panhandle in the rough vicinity of Pensacola. Usually see a couple helicopters and couple fighter jets go up and down the coast daily. Every now and then get multiple trips and a formation or two of Blue Angels. Usually means an airshow is coming.

Eglin Airbase is right near there (Destin) and that is where they train all the new recruits on flying.

ummm…no. Navy airdales train at NAS Pensacola. I spent some time there, some years ago.


Umm Yes We really don’t consider the Navy as fliers, we call them crashers.

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Yes, they execute “controlled crashes” in their daily routine. without harm to plane or pilot, because they are really good. :slight_smile:



It’s like a motorcycle cop told me. We don’t practice crashing because that means you are dead. :joy:

That’s what zero-zero seats are for.

Steve…these Air Force people are so fragile :slight_smile:


I don’t know, but I’ve been told…


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We call those skidoo’s. See I told you the Navy doesn’t fly. :rofl:

Air Force landing: sloppy, tentative, flying enabled by miles long runway.

Navy landing: bang. done.

First time I was walking through the hangar, when a plane trapped on the Lex, I wondered what the WHAM!!! was. Routine landing.


You ever seen a B52 land on a aircraft carrier. Either have I. The reason you think it is sloppy is because they fly bigger planes not those small kia size ones.

Back to IP’s question - Could it be an Air National Guard weekend?

My parents live close to one of their air bases. About every other month they get a bit of an air show as several different planes fly around the pattern doing touch and goes.


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