A new look, maybe better, handier way to organize your iCloud page… Worth checking out…
Thanks for posting this. I just visited the new page and its pretty good - more user friendly…doc
I should add it as a Tab in my Safari set I use, dump Twitter…
Normally, I make a bookmark for the (16) open Tabs, so it’s handier than opening one at a time…
This is certainly much better, but where are the hundreds of PDFs from the Books app that I recently enabled iCloud for? That is, why don’t I see the Books app as one of the apps that’s using iCloud storage, and all the PDFs there? (they weren’t visible before the site update either)
Good question… I hadn’t looked at my Books for a long time, really only have some User Guies and such in the App, but like you I don’t see Books in my iCloud. In System Prefs>iCloud I see I do have Books checked, so I expected to see that Apple App there in iCloud which would then show the library, but I do not even see Books, I had to Open it in my Applications folder. Mysterious…
Yes, from my Mac, I also see them on my iPhone, in Books>Library - but still not in iCloud as I should,I think…
“Think Different!” But seriously, you said you were able to see the books in the Books app by looking in the Applications folder (in MacOS I presume)? If so, I wish I could browse the UNIX-based filesystem on my iPad, but that appears to be impossible without jailbreaking the device. Of course, that would still only show the books stored locally, not those that are stored in iCloud.
In Books / Library, do you see little cloud icons next to any of the books? That means the book is stored in the cloud and hasn’t been downloaded locally yet. If you try to delete one that has been downloaded, you get the option to only delete the local copy or to delete it everywhere.
It’s also my understanding that only PDFs and other files (like .epub files) that you added to the library without buying from the Apple Books store will ever get stored in your personal iCloud space. So, if you only have books you bought from Apple, that could explain why you see no sign of them in iCloud. But I have loads of PDFs as well as a handful of bought books.
No little clouds, so they are downloaded, somewhere, my problem is they are out of date, the User guides for cameras or older Watch and so on and I don’t see a way to update them to their current edition… I suppose, just delete and look for replacements…
Kind of like my actual bookcase, I used to buy a lot of the Missing Manuals series from O’Rielly, but then things changed, moved on, so there they sit…
Time marches on…