I received this question off-board but I feel I should answer it for everyone:
Hi Saul–curious what your take on Bert Hochfield is. I’m a relatively new subscriber of his, and I’m a little perplexed about why he has given picks like NTNX and CLDR so much rope? I know you’re a long-time subscriber and you’ve recommended his service in the past. My initial take is most of his analysis is great, but at the same time he seems a little bit naive as far as taking management like NTNX’s at their word, and also a bit stubborn about moving on from a bad call.
Welcome to the real world. Bert is excellent at analyzing companies and recommending them initially. He got me into Alteryx and Twilio and Shopify in the $20’s for instance, which was worth 100 years of subscriptions to his inexpensive newsletter, but like so, so, many, he’s old fashioned about getting out. He holds on to losers like Nutanix, hoping they will turn around, and he recently sold 75% of his Zscaler position because it has gone up as much as it has, although he saw no deterioration of performance, which is the exact opposite of what I would do. So you have to recognize and accept that and value him for his analysis and for finding great companies before others find them, and giving you the courage to get in to them, but make your own decisions on which of the companies to get into, and when to get out.
I hope this helps,