Musk (Elon, not the rat) has signed a letter along with 1,000 other lesser luminaries asking Microsoft, Google, et. Al to voluntarily pause developed of AI for six months until we sort out some of the intricacies of it. Sure, like that’s going to happen; I can just hear the guy at Google say “Yes, let’s stop for 6 months while Microsoft continues….”
Also, I would like to sign a petition to ask Musk to stop using me as an involuntary participant in his “self driving development on public roads”, but I digress.
I have tried ChatGPT a few times in the last few days, and I must say I have seen the light. It’s like the difference between AOL dialup and a cable modem, except the cable modem is still spitting out random stuff once in a while.
But looking up stuff is a light-year of difference. Instead of a bunch of random Google links (has Google gotten worse these last couple years? I used to be able to find what I want), I get a paragraph or two which actually hones in on my query and attempts to put some context around it. It’s also wrong, sometimes, as you have doubtless read.
For instance, I asked “Give me a list of father/son business partners where the son eventually succeeded better than the father.” ChatGPT gave me a list of 5, three were correct, one was close, one was flat wrong. (It gave me Steve Jobs and his father because, apparently, Jobs was more successful than his father. Except the father wasn’t in business with, well, you get it.) The “close” one was Ford, with Henry and then Henry Ford II, who wasn’t the son (that would have been Edsel), but who was related.
Anyway, the screen wasn’t a jumbled mess of crappy links, it was a pleasure to read, and it didn’t require clicking through to 7 other sites 4 of which would end up being irrelevant anyway. I see a big threat to Google unless they can tame it and monetize it. I haven’t thought about that, but I am in awe of the leap forward.
Sorry Elon, nobody’s holding back, I bet.