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since many of us own so much. My concern is who (more than one) is going to evaluate and drive
continued transformation of the company as opportunities present themselves?

For decades, Warren pretty much looked in the mirror for any group decision. I am optimistic that Ted and Todd will fill some of that gap for equities allocation.

Greg is a terrific operating exec most likely with strong capital allocation skills residing in an industry that will soak up capital at decent return rates. He is however a product of a regulated environment not necessarily known for risk taking. I used to work in the Utility industry and know it and regulatory impacts.

Ajit may have a limited runway and I think the recent Board additions are not Warren’s finest moment for someone who always said don’t get to close to the line.

Would be interested in thoughts and replies here beyond “Greg, Howie and Susan will preserve the culture!”


It would be surprising if, after all these years, fellas like Greg, Ajit, and perhaps even Ted/Todd haven’t been working on finding their own eventual successors. Few rise to the top of the corporate ladder without a number of very able lieutenants working under them.

We’ve also seen a bit of a transition lately with Ted/Todd and Britt-Cool (when she was around) being shuffled around as CEOs of various subs, so the old idea of sub CEOs staying put forever and head office never interfering with subs is probably slowly going away.

When you think about all the various subsidiaries and other entities…Berkshire might have more CEOs than any other company on earth! Plenty to choose from in the future.


‘When you think about all the various subsidiaries and other entities…Berkshire might have more CEOs than any other company on earth!’

Bravo. And first string starters too…many of the entrepreneurial type that understand growing great companies. Its in plain sight and so obvious it gets overlooked.

Sleep well.