About five years ago three of my close cousins descended on my family in Boston for an American Thanksgiving. Arriving on Tuesday evening early they went back to one of my sisters’ homes. My BIL had laid in alcohol for the weekend.
You can see where this is going.
With one of the female cousins crying on the other at 2 am, and their brother in the middle trying to bring peace…my BIL found he had run out of alcohol in the wee hours of Wednesday morning.
Yes my Irish cousins can drink.
Love them very close, but my sisters and I are worlds apart on the booze.
But be careful because this is not solely an Irish thing, this is a European thing.
I passed it along to a coworker of mine with the comment “If the Irish only rank seventh, and the Croats(him) and Slovenes(myself) not at all, there is clearly something wrong with their methods.”