Bert on Fish's podcast

Our very own CMFish13, Ryan Reeves, has started an investing site called I think it’s an awesome project, and I’m super jealous of his energy. As part of it, he’s begun a podcast. Today was the fourth episode, and guess who his guest was? That’s right, the one and only Bert Hochfeld. Check it out:

Ryan, thanks for your continued contributions here, and I hope this new(ish) venture is a huge success for you!



Thanks Bear! This means more than you know.

Really appreciate this gesture and the kind words :smile:

  • Fish

Synergy? I pay more attention when many of my sources coalesce. Then I wonder about confirmation bias.

Great information, energy and participation. Like many others, I’m blessed to learn from your analysis (and make my own conclusions) and grateful for your efforts.


Very interesting and informative. Lots of issues it’s the transcription. Listen to the podcast as it’s great.
