Board Rules Reminder

Just a reminder to read the rules of the board before posting here!…

Also, because we get thousands of readers (potential contributers) here, I just want to remind everyone:

This board is a place to carefully post your thoughts in an edited post. It’s NOT the place to say “what do you think about X?” like you would among a few friends. Think about an arena filled with thousands of people. That kind of conversation can’t happen. So please, Do not post a question without attempting to answer it! Questions have to be, SHOULD be, ignored. But if you offer a thoughtful answer to your own question, someone might address your thoughts.

Also, if someone makes an off-topic post or comment, PLEASE IGNORE IT. Try to know when to respond (for instance, to a well-edited, thorough line of thinking), as opposed to simply arguing a small point. I firmly believe, some of you will rise to become the next generation of leaders of the board. But the first task is to learn that sometimes it is better to refrain from posting.

Assistant Board Manager