Borealis train (3 city train trip) has over 100k riders in 5 months

Borealis train is Twin Cities (MN) to Milwaukee to Chicago (and return).

The service began May 2024.


That averages out to about 670 riders per day. That sounds like a pretty good number of riders. Is it?

670 riders per day is abt 13 railcars of 50. Crew abt 13 at $100k each gives $1.3MM in labor. And double that for fuel and equipment for $2.6MM.

Annual ridership at 270k should be profitable with ticket price of $10.

Looks like a good business if ridership numbers hold up.

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The one way ticket prices range from $48 to $150 depending on the day of the week.

And the destination. There are a number of stops between Chicago and the Twin Cities.


I think it is 11 stops between the origin and the terminus. 7h 24m total time versus a little over 6 hours by car. I would rather spend the extra time and not have to deal with driving especially if I was traveling on the cheaper days.


Nice thing about train travel is you can relax or spread out and do some work. Get up and walk around. Meet other people.

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And you don’t have to pull off the tracks to go to the toilet.