Britain regrets Brexit more and more every day

When recently asked on the Today programme to cite chapter and verse on the subject of Brexit “opportunities” Michael Gove, the secretary of state for all seasons, was hopelessly out of his depth.

However, Gove missed a trick. What he should have said, but as a signed-up Brexiter obviously could not, was that the only “opportunity” arising from Brexit was to conduct a scientific experiment to demonstrate that the whole idea was a mistake. Moreover, it was a confidence trick on the British public, the majority of whom now realise that they have been had.

As business and industry struggle with the consequences of imposing sanctions on our ability to trade with our largest market, and citizens – known to economists as “consumers” – struggle with the higher import prices imposed by the devaluation resulting from Brexit, the polls are pronouncing people’s verdict on Brexit with a vengeance.

A recent YouGov poll tells us that 56% of people think we were wrong to leave the EU and only 32% that we were right. Even 19% of those who own up to having voted leave now think they were wrong.

Brexit has made Britain the sick man of Europe again | William Keegan | The Guardian


Those Ruskies were clever in their assistance with the Brexit election.


The disaster goes deeper as I contemplate the plain fact that now, with the ruinous divorce almost complete (they still haven’t found the insanity needed to take an axe to their joint baby, Ireland, but that is coming soon?), and regrets are high (frequent after divorce costs hit as emotions calm into septic stillnes), “Their ain’t gonna be no un-Brexit” (sensible as that would be) because jilted Europe will never give UKofGB as good a deal as Margaret Thatcher extracted long ago.


The final act has not been written.

The means of getting Brexit past were bigotry and lies…redundant as that sounds there are two things there, economic lies.

The economic truth is missing yet. The UK unbenounced to the conservatives now faces demand side economics. Something the conservatives have stupidly avoided.

Many of the trade issues can probably be resolved with some hard bargaining.

The expectation for Northern Ireland are especially difficult. No borders or customs at the border with Republic of Ireland will be difficult. Republic of Ireland is not likely to leave EU. Will Northern Ireland merge with Republic of Ireland? Not likely.

Most likely is that Scotland leaves UK and joins EU. Then perhaps Northern Ireland can affiliate with Scotland. But many changes are required. Chaos for maybe a decade.


Well we have seen an initial trial-balloon in The Times recently but an actual change of course will likely take a lot of time.

Perhaps once the last Brexiteer has been swept away by the surprising insight that Europe, due to economics as well as geographic realities actually is the UK‘s most obvious trading partner.


But then they will have to salute and say yes sir when EU issues new regs. Very Un-British. A lot of stiff upper lip required.

Will they give up the pound Sterling next time? Over my dead body!!!

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Britain wielded strong influence over new EU regulations when they were part of the club, and they will should they ever join again.

The rare instances where the UK’s vote was overruled by a majority were negligible.

Very Un-British.

What is a good example of Home-grown British politics? The mini-budget? :wink:


Still EU regs were often cited as the reason to vote for Brexit.

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Sadly they were.

The claim that EU regulations cost British businesses £600m a week comes from the thinktank Open Europe,** which calculated that the 100 most expensive EU rules cost UK companies and the public sector £33.3bn a year.

But as the InFacts website points out, the same study also found that quantifiable benefits from these rules were worth about £58.6bn a year, or £1.1bn a week: a net gain of about £487m a week.

Many other, less easily quantifiable benefits of EU membership – such as the boost to trade from the single market – and benefits for individual citizens were not factored into the equation.


The UK will make far more money and national wealth being outside of the EU. Demand side econ is worthwhile. The French and Germans along with central Europe face supply side econ. I would not wish supply side econ on anyone. The simplistic lies sound good to the suckers.