Broker request

I have been using IB brokerage and finding it increasingly difficult to deal with mistakes they have made in trades and tax reporting. I live in Europe and know some brokerages only deal with stateside accounts. Looking for recommendations???
Thanks in advance

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Well it looks like Schwab does offshore accounts. Anybody have problems with Schwab?


Totally agree with your dissatisfaction with IB, though for different reasons.

I have no idea how TD Ameritrade handles foreign accounts. (Contact their customer service dept.) But I will say that TAXCUT can import all tax info from TD with a mouse click, whereas IB doesn’t facilitate that (nor does Schwab).


I have used Schwab for several decades and have been very satisfied. I download my tax info into TurboTax.

Bit late to this but I’ve used:
ThinkorSwim (no longer around)
Scottrade (no longer around)
TD Ameritrade

I’ve heard good things about IB but I didn’t last long with them. It was painful to get basic things done such as changing my address unlike any other broker I used. I wasn’t too fond of their interface either.

Vanguard is just a mess. Very out dated and mostly used by people still in love with mutual funds. I had a terrible time dealing with them regarding being the beneficiary of my father’s accounts.

TD Ameritrade works well and their web page as well as stand alone platform (acquired in the thinkorswim acquisition) I find pretty easy to use.

Fidelity I’m getting more familiar with and my accounts their came from my previous job. They also have a platform you can download to your Windows or Mac computer although I’m not too fond of it. They have been much easier to talk to regarding the inherited accounts and transferring them.

Schwab I opened an account with to get a bonus and eventually my TD accounts will go there due to that acquisition. Still getting used to using them.

I’m hoping to eventually only have Fidelity and Schwab.

I do know for international customers there are a lot of other issues that I’ve seen brought up over at the bogleheads web site. Sadly the government seems to make things quite complicated for citizens living overseas.

Good luck.


ThinkorSwim (no longer around)

Think or Swim (TOS) is still around. TOS is being retained as part of the TD Ameritrade/Schwab merger.

I believe the deal involves using Schwab’s website and interface and TOS for stand alone trading platform.

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