Canadian demonstrators in jail

Video: Police regain control of Ambassador Bridge area following days of protests

WINDSOR, ONT. – Ontario and Windsor police took decisive action Sunday morning as they worked to clear protesters from the Ambassador Bridge area by making arrests and moving vehicles that had been parked there for days.

On Sunday morning, a heavy police presence appeared in Windsor, with officers standing in formations behind cement blockades. Police began moving in on protesters lingering in the area, including two pickup trucks that had been parked and blocking the road for several days.

In the video player above, you can see police move in on protesters and make several arrests, including of the drivers of the two trucks parked in the road.…

Local news video report at the link.

The bridge is not open yet. Police are standing by to see if the demonstrators return.

What I will be watching for is USian goobers blockading the US side of the Michigan and NY bridges. Will USian elected officials bring the hammer, or will it go on, and on, and on. because the USian officials are afraid of the goobers?



For those who missed the evening news, those “socialistical Commie” French and Dutch met copycat demonstrations with tear gas and cuffs.

Covid protests: Hundreds fined and dozens arrested as convoy enters Paris

Tear gas was fired in the city as demonstrators defied an order banning the “Freedom Convoy”.

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said more than 300 tickets had been handed out and 54 people arrested.

Authorities have deployed more than 7,000 officers over the next three days in a bid to stop the demonstrators.

How will copycat demonstrations be dealt with in the US?



How will copycat demonstrations be dealt with in the US?

I like the New Zealand approach. They’re playing Barry Manilow and Celine Dion at them.…

How will copycat demonstrations be dealt with in the US?

I would venture each governor will decide how to deal with it.

If a state with a low number of vaccinated people likes to shoot its self in the foot…why not one more time? La di da

I like the New Zealand approach. They’re playing Barry Manilow and Celine Dion at them.

In the late 90s, my coworker’s had a radio playing in the office and Dion’s “My Heart Will Go On” from “Titanic” seemed to be on about once an hour. Before long I was wanting her voice to finish the song with bubbles as she drowned.

But that isn’t the version the Kiwis are playing. It’s this version.

My Heart Will Go On - Recorder By Candlelight by Matt Mulholland

The Blunt song they are playing “You’re Beautiful” was very popular down under a few years ago. I quite like it, play this cover from time to time.

You’re Beautiful - James Blunt (Boyce Avenue acoustic cover)

All kidding aside, iirc the Feds played music at Waco, and we know how that turned out.

Poor Kiwies. Like the Canadians, they just don’t know how to deal with USian style thuggishness.


I like the New Zealand approach. They’re playing Barry Manilow and Celine Dion at them.

And the Macarena!


.Poor Kiwies. Like the Canadians, they just don’t know how to deal with USian style thuggishness.


To the best of my knowledge, nobody has died yet? Ottawa has a serious problem because their initial attempts to control the mob were squishy at best. They were allowed to set up structures and banners while the mayor kept asking for more police but not using the ones he had very well.

Watching some woman AIT blocking near the bridge complaining about the police pushing her back and complaining that it is scary … seriously! What part of “get the frack out of the way” doesn’t she understand?

Alternate news … covid hospitalizations and intensive care are dropping in all provinces and bookings and prices at travel companies for southern destinations are surging … }};-D

We booked early so our two week trip to Varadero is ~ C$1200 less than what they are currently going for at the same level (4 Star) resort with Sunwing. ca.


OT - People get medals for riding a sled down the hill, we used to do it for fun as kids!

Oh, two members of our special forces guys took part in the protests, they are now in the process of being booted out of the military. The rules on such things are always very clear… don’t even think about it! Perhaps they can get jobs as truck drivers though many of then were fired by their companies … for taking part in protests.


2 special forces members under investigation for allegedly taking part in convoy protest

Canadian Armed Forces says both members were part of the elite Joint Task Force 2 unit
CBC News · Posted: Feb 13, 2022 6:05 PM ET

Both members were already in the process of being released from the Canadian Armed Forces and were supporting the protest “in some form or another,” he said.


“Watching some woman AIT blocking near the bridge complaining about the police pushing her back and complaining that it is scary … seriously! What part of “get the frack out of the way” doesn’t she understand?”

That reminds me of a moment from the Capitol Insurrection on January 6th.
A reporter interviewed a tearful “patriot” who was crying because she had got some
tear gas, or bear spray, or some other type of deterrent sprayed on her ( probably
remnants of what the other “patriots” were spraying on the police ).

The young lady told the reporter that she was there for the revolution, but she wasn’t
expecting that she could suffer any type of pain or discomfort while overthrowing the
government, lol.

I expect we are going to see a lot more of these “protests” in the near future, in
America anyways. They are funded by far-right deep pockets, and these deep pockets
have got to be thrilled that they have such a large number of willing suckers to do their
bidding. Fun times we’re living in, lol.

Unfortunately, this has large macro economic implications.
Maybe I’ll look to invest in the company that makes the taser and body cams ( Axon ).
They don’t pay a dividend. They look like a GARP ( growth at reasonable price )
candidate. No debt, about 600 million in cash on the balance sheet. No earnings,
but they have decent free cash flow, which I’ve read is a more reliable set of data
than earnings, as earnings are easier to manipulate.


Maybe I’ll look to invest in the company that makes the taser and body cams ( Axon ).

It’s difficult to find the right gems or even sectors sometimes. Wendy found the oil/gas sector back at the start of COVID.

In 2008, I invested in a couple firearms companies that did very well over the next several years because a lot of folks thought that being able to get a gun might be in jeopardy somehow. I also thought they were very underpriced in general, so there was that.

Though undoubtedly macroeconomic in effect, investing based on the broad swathe of suckers’ actions is dicey since their behavior can turn on a dime.


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“In 2008, I invested in a couple firearms companies that did very well over the next several years because a lot of folks thought that being able to get a gun might be in jeopardy somehow. I also thought they were very underpriced in general, so there was that.”

that was a good move by you. I remember being told by some hunting buddies in 2008 that
the next President was going to take our guns away. I just laughed it off, but should have
looked to invest in firearms companies, as the NRA spun that narrative very effectively to
a willing audience of prospective multiple gun owners. It was, of course, a totally BS
story being fed to people, as time has shown, but the fantasy became reality for
gun companies.

“Though undoubtedly macroeconomic in effect, investing based on the broad swathe of suckers’ actions is dicey since their behavior can turn on a dime.”

yup, it’s just a small trading position. Their #'s look decent as a garp play. I won’t
hesitate to sell it, if they start faltering.

To the best of my knowledge, nobody has died yet? Ottawa has a serious problem because their initial attempts to control the mob were squishy at best. They were allowed to set up structures and banners while the mayor kept asking for more police but not using the ones he had very well.

In the summer of 2020, following the murder of George Floyd, several USian cities burned. The Chief of Detroit PD seemed to have a pretty good head on his shoulders. The first couple nights, things were on the edge of going very bad. Then the Chief made an announcement: as long as the demonstrators remained peaceful, the police would stand down and let them do their thing. And so it went for the next week or two: demonstrators would march down a street for an hour or two, then disperse. No-one injured. No property damage. A few weeks later, when passions were still running high, Detroit PD officers shot a man dead in the street. The Chief released the body cam video in a few hours. Video showed the perp pulled a gun from his pants pocket and fired at an officer. The perp died in a hail of return fire moments later. No riot.

Sitting her in Motown, watching people peacefully state their grievances, with the police respecting their right to do so, I was at a loss why the situations in Portland, and Seattle, and other cities, went so wrong.

Watching some woman AIT blocking near the bridge complaining about the police pushing her back and complaining that it is scary … seriously! What part of “get the frack out of the way” doesn’t she understand?

That is the USian “sovereign citizen” mentality at work.

Sovereign citizens believe that they – not judges, juries, law enforcement or elected officials – should decide which laws to obey and which to ignore.…

Outstate Michigan has several County Sheriffs who consider themselves “sovereign Sheriffs”, who can decide for themselves which laws to enforce and which to ignore. Over the last two years, these “sovereign Sheriffs” have, in particular, made a show of not enforcing covid regulations.

I remember a big poverty demonstration in DC fifty odd years ago. The demonstrators were camped out in a park for weeks, but they were out of the way, so other people could go about their business, while the demonstrators stated their grievances.

The Poor People’s Campaign, or Poor People’s March on Washington, was a 1968 effort to gain economic justice for poor people in the United States. It was organized by Martin Luther King Jr. and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), and carried out under the leadership of Ralph Abernathy in the wake of King’s assassination in April 1968.



Alternate news… covid hospitalizations and intensive care are dropping in all provinces and bookings and prices at travel companies for southern destinations are surging }};-D

We booked early so our two week trip to Varadero is ~ C$1200 less than what they are currently going for at the same level (4 Star) resort with Sunwing. ca.


Ran across this article on tourism to Cuba. If you haven’t already seen it, for your reading pleasure. Short article. Useful. FWIW…
Empty Beaches, Empty Stomachs: Cuba’s Tourism Dilemma
Patrick Springer | February 4, 2022

“The choice to reorient the economy away from tourism would require confronting powerful interests within the Cuban state. While the Ministry of Tourism shares ownership with some of the larger, foreign hotel chains, and local bed and breakfasts owned by Cuban citizens are permitted, the Cuban military owns the lion’s share of hotel rooms on the island and profits from the industry.”

How will copycat demonstrations be dealt with in the US?


Depends if we label the protesters as BLM I’m sure the cultist jokers who call themselves conservatives would be discusted by street blocking protests?


Cuba’s Tourism Dilemma

Cuba’s Tourism Dilemma is driven by US election cycles. Obama and others have promised to open up only to spend the money preparing for the influx and have the next entrant cancel due to the Florida factor.

Since US elections are not likely to go away even after beating on the Cuban people for over 60 years and a new Cuban President who wasn’t even born when the CIA got their collective butts booted at the Bay of Pigs things are not likely to change?

COVID 19 has been devastating to Cuba and the Cuban people because the Canadians (and to a lesser degree Europeans) who normally reliably flock to the place for breaks from winter, had to stay home for a couple of years.

There is no shortage of food on the resorts and the very nice Cuban people will tighten their belts and hope eventually to be forgiven for winning a war against their US sponsored brutal dictator and the CIA.

From your link:

November 15, coincidentally or not, was also the date that the country planned to reopen its doors to international visitors. From this date forward, vaccinated foreigners arriving in Cuba were granted admission without proof of a negative test or any mandatory quarantine. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, tourism has been virtually non-existent on the island. The shortage of tourists was aggravated last year when the country took extreme measures to fight the Delta variant. Today, despite relatively low case counts of COVID-19, tourists still have not returned. Low tourism revenue was one of several factors that caused Cuba’s GDP to fall an alarming eleven percent in 2020.

The Canadians are currently free to travel to Cuba and for the fully vaccinated will not require a PCR test to return to Canada. I have the good fortune to have direct flights from Halifax to Varadero and returning to Halifax (~4.5 hours each way).

Tim <<>>

Havana, before the 1959 revolution, was full of American-owned hotels and night-clubs, all of which housed a flourishing trade in gambling and prostitution. The city was lovingly referred to by those who hopped over from Miami as the ‘little Latin whorehouse’.

So when dictator Fulgencio Batista fled to the Dominican Republic, Fidel Castro and his rebels made a bee-line for the casinos. Within days the slot machines, roulette and blackjack tables had been smashed with sledgehammers, and Castro moved quickly in the following weeks to stop all gambling - right down to the number-taking at cigar stands.

The rebels hated the type of industry that Batista had nurtured. But they didn’t want to lose the nearly $50 million spent there annually by tourists. Unfortunately they had no choice. Tumultuous political relations with successive US administrations brought tourism to a grinding halt in the Sixties and it wasn’t until the early Seventies that in co-operation with a Canadian company, Unitours, the Cubans attempted to reinstate tourist relations with North America. Canada was always a prime target since it has always had friendly relations with Cuba.

OT - You would be shocked if you knew how many Americans visit Cuba flying either from Canada or Mexico. The Cubans don’t stamp passports unless you insist. It is easy for Canadians to pick them out.


Depends if we label the protesters as BLM I’m sure the cultist jokers who call themselves conservatives would be discusted by street blocking protests?

If it were called BLM they’d be using tear gas and rubber bullets on those truckers.


the Cuban military owns the lion’s share of hotel rooms on the island and profits from the industry."

Communist Kleptocracy that some people love to aid, abet, and subsidize.

The Captain

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The young lady told the reporter that she was there for the revolution, but she wasn’t
expecting that she could suffer any type of pain or discomfort while overthrowing the
government, lol.

I am still back there trying to figure out what is meant truly by "cancel culture"? I get there is some sort of made up manifesto. No one I know buys into it. But the press give it full time by its self. There is no equal time. Because there is no opposition to something so nonsensical.

Cancel culture is just a hack job. Pretty much the same thing happening at that bridge.

The Covid thing masks vax etc....your, generic, discomfort v someone else's life? And you think anyone should give a freak about your "feelings" as arrogant and selfish as they are?
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The decision follows an application for judicial review launched by the Canadian Constitution Foundation, the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, and several other applicants in 2022 after the emergency measures were used to end the Freedom Convoy protests in Ottawa.

The measures controversially allowed the government to freeze the bank accounts of protesters, conscript tow truck drivers, and arrest people for participating in assemblies the government deemed illegal.

The court declared that the decision to issue the Proclamation and associated Regulations and Order was unreasonable and beyond the scope of the Emergencies Act.