Canada COVID Mandate Protests

… after GoFundMe shut down fundraising and returned millions to donors, “Christians” stepped into the breech with $3.5 million to keep the “good times” rolling.

Frozen out of GoFundMe, Canadian protest convoy raises millions on Christian site…

Sorry to see that US-style COVID ignorance has spread North of the border.



Sorry to see that US-style COVID ignorance has spread North of the border.


The tractor sign has it right, they absolutely are the (rather noisy) fringe minority. Of interest, the vast majority of the truckers are fully vaccinated as it was a requirement to cross the border either way. The Ottawa police are in the process of cutting off their diesel and propane supplies while issuing lots of tickets and investigating over 40 criminal charges. Reinforcements from the RCMP are being sworn in as Ottawa cops.

In one way the timing was good for them as some of our provinces are ending many of the lockdowns and restrictions due to high vaccination rates. I wore my Cuban flag hat to the party as it looks like our two weeks of sun and fun at a nice 4 star resort in Varadero is a go for early March. }};-D

Bad news is that my party animal sister is planning to meet us there for our first 4-5 days before heading off to Havana to meet up with her Cuban friends there. She stays in a small hotel/resort right down town in the party area so hopefully we won’t see too much of her. }};-@


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Reinforcements from the RCMP are being sworn in as Ottawa cops.

Update: More reinforcements arriving from OPP (Ontario Provincial Police).

The irony that people protesting lockdowns have created their own lockdown for the citizens of Ottawa who don’t wish to run the gauntlet is coming to the fore.

Time for excess brute physical force methinks? It won’t be the military, that is not a viable option. Another option is that citizens groups are talking lawsuits against the organizers. Other than US Christian funding (stupid money?) there won’t be a lot of sympathy.

Oil at $92, who would have thunk it? Oil never just goes up or down … it always surges or plunges or other equally dramatic sounding emotional headlines actions. }};-D
