After almost six decades??? 57 years ago??? More than two generations ago??? That’s a serious reach, IMAO.
But help is on the way. I’m gathering investors together to help me get my time machine off the drawing boards. Just a couple more billion$$ and I’ll have a demo ready. It’ll erase at least 75 years of American history.
For a lot more, I have plans to completely erase the history of slavery in America altogether. Gonna make a ton of money, so first I have to round up investors. I have an appointment scheduled with Obama hisownself.
(Obama’s first responses have been standoffish; something about he NEEDS slavery to use for his schtick when telling folks they need him to be their protector, or something like that.)
I’m also working the list that Theranos’ Elizabeth Holmes sold me and some of those folks are getting in on the ground floor.
I, for one, was completely surprised at the images of the violence shown by the Canadian cops to the demonstrators.
Yeah, must have been hundreds of deaths eh!
Actually nobody died … or even ended up in hospital other than a couple of the well disciplined police … though a lot of them ended up in handcuffs with court dates?
How would you compare that with the love fest 6th of January?
Actually nobody died … or even ended up in hospital other than a couple of the well disciplined police … though a lot of them ended up in handcuffs with court dates?
You mean the old lady who was knocked off her mobility scooter and trampled by a police horse was actually a well-disciplined police officer?
Multiple samples of enthusiastic Canadian law enforcement against peaceful protesters.
Not in the ones you just posted. There was a claim that a horse trampled a protester that turned out to be untrue.
One guy did get whacked with a nightstick when he reached for a cops taser. The multiple observers monitoring the police agreed that was appropriate use of force.
So if that’s all you have then you clearly are badly informed and should stick to explaining the deaths and suicides on and after the 6th of January in the capital building?
I suppose the guys having fun in the the hot tub may have been being cooked alive like lobsters but they seem to think the whole thing was funny … It wasn’t funny for the people living in downtown Ottawa especially with truck horns going all night long while chocking on diesel fumes because the truckers were running their engines to stay warm and many of them even brought their children along.
On that note I will assume you got bad information about what really took place.
Overall it was professionally handled and once again nobody died.