Challenging the powers that be.

I just notice that a post challenging the veracity of the Political and Religious Post policy, which includes the posts that have terms like red and blue states or the words the “Lords Work”, has been removed. The hypocrisy of application of this policy is evident in that the original posts that violated this policy are still on the board even after being reported.

So the question remains when is a post too religious or political? Or are these posts subjected to simple whims?


… the original posts that violated this policy are still on the board even after being reported.

I think the Fool is failing to act on FAs. I put a post on this board in error, and FA’d it myself, twice. The post was never removed.


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The Fool admins are way too busy yanking posts from Saul’s board when folks b**ch about their high fliers taking a nose dive…


OTF, METAR is an investing board. Over 10 years ago, before we adopted the no politics/ religion/ personal attacks rule, the board was cluttered with bickering. The purpose of the rule is to prevent bickering and focus the board on macroeconomics.

So, if a post appears likely to foment partisan bickering, it (and the argumentative responses) are FA’d. If it is data that points out an important macroeconomic trend (such as in-migration to red states and out-migration from blue states) it will stand.

Your posts are becoming trolling and bickering. This is the last one. I will FA any more of your posts unless they contain macroeconomic or investing ON-TOPIC information.



“I think the Fool is failing to act on FAs.”

They’re too busy monitoring Saul’s board to make sure that no posts survive which mention ‘valuation’…