One of China’s newest nuclear facilities is the HTR-PM pebble bed plant at Shidao Bay. Two gas-cooled reactors of 250 MW (thermal) capacity produce steam that drives a single common steam turbine/generator.
Last year, a series of tests took place to demonstrate the inherent passive safety of the pebble bed design. With one of the reactors at 200 MWt, the reactor coolant flow was intentionally turned off. The passive safety systems then demonstrated the ability to keep the reactor temperature well below any dangerous level.
I can’t find a free detailed description of these tests, but the following links provide some information.
The following scientific papers also provide a little more insight.
From the link:
Two safety tests were conducted on the two reactor modules of the HTR-PM plant, each at a power of 200 MWt. During the tests, the active power supply was totally switched off to see if the decay heat can be removed passively. The responses of nuclear power and temperatures within different reactor structures show that the reactors can be cooled down naturally without active intervention. The results of the tests manifest the existence of commercial-scale inherent safety for the first time.
Another source here:
The first test began at 9:16 a.m. August 13, 2023. Before the test, #1 and #2 modules operated at the power levels of 200 and about 5 MWt, respectively. The test was started by switching off the power supply of the primary helium circulator and feed-water pump. As a result, the reactor protection system was activated, triggering the emergency shutdown signal that induced the dropping of control rods.
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The pebble-type TRISO fuel used in the HTR-PM is much different than that used in water-cooled nuclear plants. The pebbles consist of layers of uranium, graphite and silicon carbide that produce a very stable structure, and can also withstand very high temperatures. The reactor core actually has a rather low power density, which is also an advantage during accident conditions.
- Pete