Climate change attitude poll

Findings from a 2023 Survey of Adults Age 18 and Older

Question: Do you think climate change is caused entirely by human activities, caused mostly by human activities, caused about equally by human activities and natural changes in the environment, caused mostly by natural changes in the environment, or caused entirely by natural changes in the environment?

Percentage of adults who believe climate change is happening and say it is caused mostly or entirely by human activities.

         2018   2023
Overall   60%    49%
Dem       72     60
Indep     61     42
Rep       33     33



The OECD and The Social Economics Lab at Harvard teamed up to understand why, and surveyed over 40 000 respondents across 20 of the world’s most carbon-emitting countries (representing 72% of global CO2 emissions).

United States scored the lowest at 76% public support. France, Germany and UK all scored above 80%, Japan was 89%, Italy and Korea were at 94%.

International attitudes toward climate policies - OECD

The OECD and The Social Economics Lab at Harvard have teamed up to understand what governments can do to build citizen support for urgently needed climate action.