We’ve been shutdown all week with freezing rain and icy streets. I had to wear ice crampons to make it down the stairs to walk my dog.
{{ PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) – After Multnomah County housed a record number of people in their warming shelters during the severe winter storm, many people are questioning why the shelters were closed before the ice melted.
These severe weather shelters housed more than 1,200 people in 12 sites at their peak, but were closed as soon as temperatures reached their 25-degree threshold Wednesday morning.
Now those same people have been left to sleep on sheets of ice.
“Dude, I can’t feel my feet,” Crystal said. “I was seriously contemplating going to the emergency room because I am showing signs of frostbite.”
Meanwhile, the county says conditions are too dangerous and icy to keep their offices open. Even libraries, a warm sheltered area open to the public, are closed. }}