covid in Ontario

Ontario shuts schools, indoor dining and gyms

Premier Doug Ford also announced the closure of indoor dining. Gyms and cinemas will also close and hospitals have also been told to pause all non-urgent surgeries

Retail stores will be limited to 50% capacity and indoor social gatherings will be capped at five people.

“They had no choice,” said Dr. Andrew Morris, a professor of infectious diseases at the University of Toronto…“It was going to be brutal one way or the other. Show me who isn’t facing these realities? Anywhere?” he said.…

Who isn’t facing these realities? The gun hugging goobers right across the river in Michigan.

Steve…in the bunker, watching the goober extinction event


Who isn’t facing these realities? The gun hugging goobers right across the river in Michigan.

Steve…in the bunker, watching the goober extinction event

Unfortunately Doug Ford has not been a poster child of consistency in his scattered approach to managing COVID-19. Their neighbour Quebec has also been up and down with hard lock downs and major fines for breaking curfew followed by “time to party and celebrate the victory” approach.

OK neither of them is up to the very low standards set by the governor of Florida … with his refusal to allow kids to wear masks … but hey … perhaps next year if it is still going on?

Meanwhile Nova Scotia received a very large delivery of Vaccine from the Feds so the Premier put out a call for volunteers with experience to put their hands up to help crank up getting it into arms. He was hoping for some small number of hundreds of retired nurses, doctors and the like to offer and had nearly 1700 volunteers in one day. The booking frenzy started late last night on the booking website and wife spent half the night coaching the three remaining extended family members that hadn’t gotten their booster yet through the process by phone, text and email. All three are now booked for shots by the 18th. A small bug*** in the program delayed the process for those under 50 for some hours but it got resolved early this morning.

*** The guy changed the title to everyone over 30 (from over 50) and the minimum time between last shot but failed to change the test so those under 50 got rejected. Hard to get good help these days isn’t it … wonder where they hid his body when Dr. Strang found out? }};-@

Somehow we have managed to keep the hospital admissions low so we don’t overwhelm the system.…

Anymouse <our New Years Eve party consisted of wife and I and our 9 month old Bengal Tiger cat … who got caught when we were sipping sparkling wine up on the table eating shrimp off the plate!> I seriously haven’t laughed that hard in many months.