CV-19 pandemic's true death toll

This article, from Nature, a leading science journal, analyzes the Covid-19 pandemic’s true death toll from several perspectives.…

**by David Adam, Nature, 18 January 2022**

**The pandemic’s true death toll: millions more than official counts**
**Countries have reported some five million COVID-19 deaths in two years, but global excess deaths are estimated at double or even quadruple that figure.**

**On 1 November, the global death toll from the COVID-19 pandemic passed 5 million, official data suggested. It has now reached 5.5 million. But that figure is a significant underestimate. Records of excess mortality — a metric that involves comparing all deaths recorded with those expected to occur — show many more people than this have died in the pandemic.**

**Working out how many more is a complex research challenge. It is not as simple as just counting up each country’s excess mortality figures. Some official data in this regard are flawed, scientists have found. And more than 100 countries do not collect reliable statistics on expected or actual deaths at all, or do not release them in a timely manner....**

**Excess deaths include mortality that is not related to COVID-19, such as other infectious diseases, as well as indirectly related deaths, such as a person with cancer who died because their screening was cancelled owing to the pandemic’s impact on health-care systems.**



COVID-19      Flu 2009 (H1N1)  Flu 1968 (H3N2) Flu 1957–59 (H2N2) Flu 1918–20 (H1N1)

	Per-capita excess mortality rate (estimate)

0.15–0.28%       0.005%          0.03%             0.04%                 1%

Global excess deaths (estimate) adjusted to 2020 population, millions

12–22             0.4             2.2                3.1              75 

Mean age at death (years; United States and Europe only)

73–79              37              62                65                27


[end quote]

Various different models give different results. But it’s clear that wealthier countries have relatively accurate official counts, with a narrow confidence limit. Lower middle and low income countries have very inaccurate (way too low) official death counts. The much higher model estimates have wide confidence limits (uncertainty). Very low reported deaths from low-income countries can lead to a false impression that they don’t need vaccines.

In addition to models, there’s hard data like satellite photos of cemeteries and interviews of a population sampling.

The true count of Covid-19 excess mortality will probably never be known. What is clear is that it is a very dangerous illness, especially for the old. And it’s not over yet, despite plenty of wishful thinking.



What’s truly revealing is the unvaccinated excess death count post about April 2021 when the COVID vaccine was readily available to all who wanted one.

The fact that hundreds of thousands of Americans volunteered for infection and death is a Jonestown level of ignorance and stupidity.



Wendy and interst

We also do not know the impact of long Covid. Some of those cases will lead to a very premature death that must one day be counted.


The fact that hundreds of thousands of Americans volunteered for infection and death is a Jonestown level of ignorance and stupidity.

And in this case they don’t have just one cult leader sending them to their unnecessary death, but a whole media/political machine doing the job. How many people has FOX ‘news’, for instance, killed with their cynical and idiotic pandemic propaganda? They are all vaccinated but they make money feeding their gullible viewers the manure they want.


How many people has FOX ‘news’, for instance, killed with their cynical and idiotic pandemic propaganda?

Yep at some point when the dust settles the lawyers will sharpen their knives and create a class action suit for the families and the long Covid cases of people who were watching Fox. The damage was very purposefully done.


I was at the local hospital this morning for my Pfizer booster. The hospital has devoted an entire building to vaccines and covid testing.

The person monitoring the group after we got our shots mentioned that they were still pretty busy, which I took to be a good sign. My state has inched over 60% fully vaccinated.

One of the fellows in the observation room mentioned that 7 people in his family got covid recently, and 1 died. He said that he’d gotten covid in 2020 (“the original brand!”) and still has no sense of taste which he really misses as an Italian guy who likes to eat. He said some of the family felt lousy this time around, some just had a bad cold, others had the sniffles. “I’m not going through that nonsense again,” in his words. I didn’t ask how many of his family had been vaccinated, and he didn’t volunteer the info.

My sense is that omicron has gotten people’s attention. I’m hoping that I didn’t catch it while sitting around at the hospital.