Don’t worry, be happy

In the new administration Musk companies (xAI… TSLA) have received over $20 B new contracts. You think people support that??

They are blindly chopping, have no idea what they are doing. There are no adults in the room, it is all 18 year old. They think it is a video game, their only goal is cut x%… I am sure GOP congressman can explain how those 18 year olds were voted and elected to do this.


Uh, guess again. It is not if they have ANY office in a state. It is if the expanded offices being moved to the new state actually exist–or if it is vaporjobs. Imagine 5k more people moving to Juneau and the offices are for 20 people. OOPS !!


Maybe they had to fire nuclear staff to free up $340M to pay for our president’s golf games.


Ok, but one suspects if you transfer folks a thousand miles to the middle of nowhere, as many as half of the Washingtonians may resign rather than move. Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming, Dakotas are great places for govt offices especially when they are red states.