Elon Musk ‘Made a Bet for the Ages’

Toadying up to the new Administration may be his best investment yet.

A $175 million bet could get you trillions of dollars of purchased influence.




We are eager to see what role he will have in the Trump administration and if he can improve govt efficiency and purge excesses.

Wishing him the best but knowing it will not be easy.


If X-Twitter is an example…

Reagan style airline controllers…

The Captain


Looks like he bought himself the co-Presidency.

I am expecting absolute economic miracles from Elon, and his boss. Anything less is total failure. His boss has been telling us for years about what an absolute genius he ( the boss ) is, and Elon has the same opinion of himself.
So nothing short of complete success is where the bar is set at.


Are you sure you have the employer/employee relationship right?


Elon is a busy man, and my guess is he will do some banging around and then turn actual day to day management over to Vance, his and Thiel’s hand picked paid for and probably obedient successor for the long run.

Stability! The actual agenda will emerge after the non-plan 2025 is implemented to whatever degree they find possible and useful.


d fb


Here is a relevant and informed article, especially regarding emerging White House Management staff and leadership in the Senate:


d fb


All Government spending and cuts will be on X and other social platforms. Americans can see. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

The chain saw is coming. It will be painful for the corrupt establishment.


“Are you sure you have the employer/employee relationship right?”

absolutely not sure LoL

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" It will be painful for the corrupt establishment."

I hope you’re right. Corruption exists in many forms. In math, if I’m remembering right, we had to solve for the derivative and 2nd derivative for equations. They need to do this for corruption too, examples are pol’s who indirectly profit from their position in power, such as having Secret Service entourage stay at their privately owned hotels and resorts. Or pol’s or military going straight into cushy, highly compensated positions of lobbying for taxpayer money to flow into their new employer, using their inside connections.

But I suspect ( hope I’m wrong ) that the focus will be on the lowest end of the food chain. We shall soon see. I’m expecting miraculous results, and quickly, too.


Re: Elon busy

Yes, and clearly he is good at delegation. Picking good people to carry out the program. Leading them to get the best efforts out of them. And being willing to take risks.

It will be interesting to see how these skills will play in govt.

I think we see elements of CEO style in Trump. He is used to having his orders carried out with no opposition. Working with Congress is a challenge.


Exactly. I have spent my life, alternating between political and bizness organizations, first campaign stint in 1960 and governmental internship in 1970, consultant engineering work (ghost writing plain English executive summaries of mathematical analyses) in 1971-72 while I was out campaigning again.

Politics and business are VERY different realms, as different as chopping wood and making love, although both involve sweat. I am curious as to how Elon adapts himself and is adapted to my the others clustered around the new Prez.

d fb


My hope Elon is going to recruit and bring the best business minds to solve this $35 Trillion debt problem.

There will be a severe antibody reaction and withdrawal symptoms. Remember the reaction when Elon cut the entire supercharger team ?

American governments have been living off the credit card for far too long. There will be temporary hardship. It may cost Republicans the next election cycle. However, it has to be done. I would hope that Buffett would publicly support it.


I give it six months before one of their egos can’t stand being in the same room with the other one.


According to the honchos at Radio Shack, they “knew everything”, and did “people a favor by selling them our stuff”. Words I heard, directly from Bernie Appel’s pie-hole. At the pump seal company, every big job was lost entirely due to cheating by the competition.

Very, very, few honchos ever admit to being wrong. They are always brilliant, and always right. All failures either never happened, or are the fault of someone else.


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This is so naive it is literally touching. Trump was already president. He ran back in 2016 on almost these exact same promises. He promised to balance the budget in four years. He promised to pay off the entire national debt in eight years. He promised to cut government regulations by 70%

He didn’t even try to balance the budget. The debt grew by nearly 8 trillion on his watch. Sure, he gets a bit of Mulligan because of COVID, but he exploded deficits the first year! Prior to COVID, Trump was setting records for deficit spending. And even more amazing, he added debt like crazy during good economic times and low unemployment. No other president was able to match that record, except during wartime. No other developed nation added debt at the rate that Trump did.

But you believe him this time? It is either touching or frightening that someone can be so gullible.


Coming soon: People screaming from roof tops that the “cuts are irresponsible”. “This is the government, not his private company” they will say. But cuts are coming. They will be swift, deep and wide. They are going to hurt. My one advise. Go cash, the world is going into a recession.

You don’t know Elon. Watch.


OK, logic says “cuts are coming,” but I don’t recall either candidate mentioning the deficit in their campaign speeches. Probably for exactly the reason you mention. Who ever gets cut will complain and they needed all the votes they can get.

Tax bill seems to be a priority, but big question is will it include cuts. Or will they be a lower priority.

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Administration finance experts are already warning that “No taxes on tips or Social Security” must be sacrificed to make room for “Tax cuts for the rich”.

“They’re going to get what they voted for – good and hard”
