Dr. Patrick Moore, a climate scientist I'm willing to believe

It is not some sort of personal attack. We are genuinely worried the strap is too tight.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I agree with you here. I’ve got a few climate change denying friends, and if Biden came out tomorrow and said climate change is a hoax, I am certain they would change their views on a dime. It is a political debate and it’s why I don’t engage anymore.

And, yes, you don’t deny climate change… it’s just semantics at this point. I’ve watched this play out for years. ‘Climate change isn’t real’… ‘climate change is real but it’s not man made’… ‘it’s man made but it’s good for us!’… 'Next will be, ‘it’s too late anyway’.

Not much point in debating people who move the goalposts every few years.

I also agree that it’s very much a religion but I’d say it’s largely on the deniers’ side. They can’t escape their religion so they have to do this mental gymnastics exercise to conform their beliefs. It must be truly exhausting.


I have one of these.

I also have one of these.


I use the second one more often than the first one. Not much is Easy nowadays.



You are missing out saying No!

Maybe loosen up and breath. Reconsider all before you. See the world through a different lens. Nah! You stuck.

Meanwhile us wokies rule.

PS whatever you do stay out of prison unlike that other guy.

Atmospheric CO2 and the White Cliffs of Dover are rest stops in the global biogeochemical carbon cycle. Planetary carbon is processed by Gaia’s biogeochemical circulatory system into CO2 and methane and coal and seashells. Carbon cycle science melds physics, inorganic chemistry, meteorology, oceanography, geology, plate tectonics, molecular biochemistry, biological evolution, and ecosystems. The carbon cycle is at the heart of climate science and is the subject of intense and ongoing research across the planet.

One of the founders of paleontology was Mary Anning, who made made major discoveries hunting fossils near her home along the southern cliffs of England. She has an interesting story.


The White Cliffs of Dover are famous, everyone has seen pictures, they attract millions of tourists, and are part of founding story of the study of ancient climates. Every climate scientist learns about them. The idea that they somehow contradict mainstream climate science is absurd.

The only possible way Moore could be right is if all of climate science is engaged in a vast global conspiracy.

Oil industry scientists drive a stake in the heart of any theory of climate conspiracy. The oil industry employs the best geoscientists in the world and keeps them well funded, knowing their labs are long term profit engines. Oil industry scientists have the motivation and skills to uncover and discredit any climate conspiracy. But they largely agree with the conclusion of mainstream climate science: Human CO2 emissions are changing the climate and the results are likely to be expensive and damaging.


Just watch the 3-part PBS Frontline documentary about Big Oil and their (somewhat successful) attempts to discredit human caused global warming. Highly recommended, released in 2022. It kinda puts all talk that the whole climate change agenda is a hoax meant to hurt America to shreds.