Earth-destroying asteroid? No, it's just a Tesla

An astronomer recently discovered a new asteroid, which has an orbit that takes it very close to the orbit of the Earth. That might be a big macro problem.

But, it turns out, the “asteroid” is really just Elon Musk’s roadster automobile that he sent into orbit around the Sun back in 2018. Crisis averted, whew!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

There is a website where you can track the roadster’s orbit around the Sun. Since the car was launched from Earth, the orbit around the Sun takes it in an elliptical path that brings it close to the Earth’s orbit every now and then. There is an animation at the following link…

_ Pete


Elliptical paths are so mundane, they all do it! The real issue, does the Roadster outperform the old rocks and bits of ICE?

The Captain

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FSD… no need to worry….


Fully Stopped Driving.

Enjoying the Riding? :grinning:

The Captain