“We are so blessed - so many people are struggling with inflation and tough times and while our portfolio has taken a hit our lifestyle hasn’t changed. Feeling a bit guilty…”
Gratitude is a great practice.
Food for thought
“We are so blessed - so many people are struggling with inflation and tough times and while our portfolio has taken a hit our lifestyle hasn’t changed. Feeling a bit guilty…”
Gratitude is a great practice.
Food for thought
So true. Thanks for the reminder. Especially as we discuss our various “problems”, like my recent “is my 5 year cash stash too much” question.
“We are so blessed - so many people are struggling with inflation and tough times and while our portfolio has taken a hit our lifestyle hasn’t changed. Feeling a bit guilty…”
Gratitude is a great practice.
I am grateful for where we are. Absolutely. But guilty? No way. It took a lot of discipline and sacrifice to get to where we are.
I’ve been a TMF member since 1999. Recently went to check out my 10 top rec’d posts and found 3 of them to be about raising kids, (which I copied and pasted into emails to my now adult kids,) teaching them to be frugal and preparing for their retirement even younger than when I started to prepare at 19. It was wonderful to see the evolution of our investment path over the decades. So glad they archived the “non-financial” boards, not just deleted them.
None the less so grateful we can be there for our kids should they need us. To their credit, they are doing their best not to need that help.
I remember the economic meltdown in 2008. I spent the first night tossing and turning over all I had lost (OMG, this means I can’t buy the vacation home I wanted). Upon further reflection, I spent the second night tossing and turning concerned about my friends who were genuinely affected by it.