Anti-vaccine activist Bobby K nominated as HHS Secretary.
Anti-vaccine activist Bobby K nominated as HHS Secretary.
Is it a good time to go long on iron lung manufacturers yet?
Nominated or anointed? I am sure Bobby would want to be anointed.
Speaking of fluoridation, look at those crazy Europeans…
Out of a population of about three-quarters of a billion, under 14 million people (approximately 2%) in Europe receive artificially-fluoridated water…
Many European countries have rejected water fluoridation, including: Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Scotland, Iceland, and Italy.
States rights Bob. Fluoridation was not mandated by the Federal government each local and state government entities have made the decision. So why would anyone want the Federal government involved in this decision?
I wouldn’t. My post was in response to Steve’s post on anti-fluoridation being nutso. Apparently there are reasons to oppose it (at whatever level).
My point was being anti-fluoridation has been a hobby horse of some people for a very long time, as the clip from the 60 year old movie shows.
I am torn by it. I can see the benefits to society but should it be forced on people? But then, when lead in drinking water was forced on people, it didn’t seem to matter much.
The charges were dismissed? I think he should have gone to prison for 20 years.
iirc, the court ruled there was something defective about the indictment, and the statue of limitations had run out, so the prosecutor could not refile the charges. As posted before, the issue was the city of Flint was in danger of filing bankruptcy, which would hurt the money interests that held Flint bonds. So, the Gov sent an “emergency manager” who had authority to usurp the power of local elected officials, and break contracts, to cut spending. One of the spending cuts was disconnecting from the Detroit water system, and reopen an old water plant that drew from the heavily polluted Flint river. They knew the water was way below standard, but it would cost money to treat the water enough to make it safe to drink, so they scrimped on treatment. People went to city commission meetings with bottles of the muck that was coming out of their faucets, but nothing could be done, because the EM, appointed by the Gov, had all the power. Meanwhile, people were required to keep paying their water bills, even though the water was unuseable, because the money interests needed to be taken care of.
There are reasons why black people should ride in the back of the bus too. It doesn’t follow they are good reasons.
Makes sense. So, why don’'t the Europeans put fluoride in their water or brush with fluoridated toothpaste?
Fluoridated toothpaste is available…and used…in Europe (how effectively is another matter)
When countries actively oppose water fluoridation, it’s generally a political as opposed to scientific decision. There’s no credible evidence to suggest that fluoridation to appropriate levels is either dangerous or ineffective (so the tomfoolery that goes hand in hand with anti vaxx sentiments isn’t particularly persuasive) but rather it’s seen as a sort of mass medication that’s ultimately unnecessary for the majority of the population. Its main effect is from incorporation in the developing permanent teeth so is somewhat redundant once that process is done. Alternatives like fluoride tablets are available as a good substitute…except you run into the problem there of parents who don’t care enough to enforce a non cariogenic diet aren’t likely to show the necessary commitment or gumption to maintain the proper dosage regimen.
When my daughter was little back in England, we lived in an area with a fairly small local water authority and the water wasn’t fluoridated. I’d be the first to admit it was a pain to remember the fluoride tabs. Obviously, it was important enough to me…along with diet…to make that commitment.
They can get cheap dental care in Eastern Europe, Turkey is particularly popular destination for "dental tourism’.
Excuse me. I see “post deleted by author” upstream… referring to a post I made observing that, as cheap as dental treatment might be in parts of Europe, a program aimed at preventing caries in the first place (water fluoridation etc) made it even cheaper. I haven’t a clue which author deleted it, but it wasn’t this one!