Google Docs question

I apologize upfront because my question is not about a specific stock. However, it is something that will help me (and possibly others) in our stock analysis.

I am trying to create a formula in my Google Docs spreadsheet that pulls historical closing price data. For example, the closing price of SKX on June 30 (or any other date). I’ve looked everywhere and I cannot find anything that will give me this seemingly simple formula.

Does anyone know how to do this? I can get the current price no problem, but for the life of me I cannot figure out how to pull historical prices. I’ve built the formula that I thought should work based on the help and support files, but I must be doing something wrong.


Hi Fletch,

Try this.

GOOGLEFINANCE(ticker, [attribute], [start_date], [num_days|end_date], [interval])

GOOGLEFINANCE(“GOOG”, “price”, DATE(2014,1,1), DATE(2014,12,31), “DAILY”)



And, if that doesn’t work, you might try…

Hi Fletch,

Try this.

GOOGLEFINANCE(ticker, [attribute], [start_date], [num_days|end_date], [interval])

GOOGLEFINANCE(“GOOG”, “price”, DATE(2014,1,1), DATE(2014,12,31), “DAILY”)


Hi Chad,

Thanks for the response. Is there anyway to just isolate one day? That gives me the price for each date of 2014. What if I just wanted 6/30/2014? What would that formula look like?



The formula Chad gave you is on the right track, unfortunately that returns multiple cells. The trick is to index into those cells returned.

Here’s an example…


In this case, cell A2 holds the ticker symbol and C1 has a date value. This was copied from a working example.


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Thanks Steve! That worked perfectly.


Steve -

Thanks. That is a much simpler formula than the one I had been using. I am going to try switching over to that one and see if it works better. The formula I had been using would occassionally return #N/A and other times work just fine. Annoying. No idea why. Does that ever happen to you with this formula?


The formula I had been using would occasionally return #N/A and other times work just fine. Annoying. No idea why. Does that ever happen to you with this formula?


I can’t really say that it won’t return #N/A sometimes. My suspicion is that it will since even the current price function even does that at times. The formula I gave is not one I use in an active sheet that I watch, but one I set up once upon a time for some reason. I struggled with getting a “clean” number until I ran across the INDEX suggestion somewhere.


Try this:


Here’s a URL with specific dates:…


a,b,c start date Month = 0-11, Day, Year
d,e,f end date
g = “d” “w” “m” “v” daily, weekly, monthly, dividends only.