How do we view MF analyst holdings?

I can’t find the expand button that Tim Beyers was speaking about on Live…

Hi @SF007,

You need to go to his profile page.

I have one on mine, link below.

Does that help you?

All holdings and some statistics on my Fool profile page (Click Expand)

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Thank you :blush: I found his profile page (finally!) but still no luck seeing holdings.
Is there a link to the analysts profile page?
This seems way harder than it should be LOL

Hi @SF007,

Here is a link to one of his profiles. This is in the Paid Services area:
There is no “Expand” button.

His profile on the public side does not have his holdings listed.

Here are my 2 profiles. Note the difference in the link names between Private and Public. (Click Expand)

and (Click Expand)

Does that help you?

All holdings and some statistics on my Fool profile page (Click Expand)