Some may remember the story of the My Golden Ray, the cargo ship that capsized taking 4,000 Hyundais to the briny deep because it was mis-loaded. They’re bringing it up, one huge piece at a time, and it makes me wonder how the enormous effort is worth it - except it obviously is or they wouldn’t be doing it.
How Much Is ThePlatinumIn ACatalytic Converter Worth?
The average catalytic converter has 3 to 7 grams ofplatinumworth about $100 – $237. Platinum is more valuable than gold, silver, and even palladium and is a good target for thieves.
One has to wonder what kind of ecological disasters that can cause.
Open seabed mining? With oil and gas they try to cap the wells. It seems to me that ‘capping’ a mineral mine could be a lot more difficult and working at those depth is difficult and dangerous. Once I had a deep-sea diver crew on my boat. He worked in the North Atlantic (Norway?) oil rigs. In two or three weeks he made enough money for the whole year. He was not allowed to work there for more than that time so he went sailing.