In case you didn't hear, because "news" was preempted by football nearly everywhere

FWIW, the wall that Israel built during the 2nd Intifada reduced the death count from suicide bombings by some 85%.


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A super majority of Palestinians have their preferred peace and security with Israel. Democracy/Republic/Democratic Kingdom between Jordanian Palestinians around 6 plus million and Israeli Palestinian citizens. Those who are warring for close to 80 years with Israel have Russian/Iranian backing. They do not need to be warring at all with Israel.

The tribes do not want to turn to Syria or elsewhere.

Israel not Bibi has no choice but to fight. 80 years.

Bottom line the tribal leaders work with Israel. The extra governing bodies use the Palestinians as cannon fodder to corruptly get money from Russia and Iran. Their kids are in Swiss boarding schools.

As these warring actions currently shake out the tribal leaders will emerge.

The Palestinians who are warring sporadically from Gaza and on the West Bank are armed. It is not total innocence. The Palestinians keep playing at look at us we are innocent.

The super majority of Palestinians work with Israel on peace and security and have democratic governance between Israel and Jordan. Sympathy for the rest of the Palestinians yes but possibly a stop the nonsense attitude. The Jews are Arabs. The Ashkenazi Jews Y chromosome is from the Middle East. Most Arabs before Islam were Jewish. Many if not most. It was very common.

America soft pedals war. What do you want Pelosi to say? She tries to ride in between war and peace. First the military budget is huge in the US then we try to say we are at peace. Odd positions for politicos.

It is not that Pelosi is dishonest.

It is not that Israel and Bibi ignore or do not inform the US admins. Israel and the US agree more than the American public realizes.

Iran and Russia are a problem. There are 4 worse wars Russia is promoting in the region.

Do our politicos work us up? Or keep us uninformed so we do not go to war everywhere?

Words matter in the US regardless of TFG’s crapola. 10 minutes the other day on a naked Arnold Palmer.

Israel won’t take Gaza’s land. Israel will take the entire West Bank because for decades no one would simply declare we will have a democratic state and honest elections. Some on the West Bank keep fighting. It is not innocent. The government is not democratic. There is no point in it for Israel. No point in it for the Palestinians. So scram.

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Re: bifurcation

Happens all the time. Multiple issues involved. Individuals pick different ones as most important.

And in most wars, no one is completely blameless. Key people need to compromise and reach a deal. Total destruction of the opposition seems unlikely.

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You have lost all credibility. So go along on your biased thinking!

No, you destroyed your own credibility. There is a high percentage of support for Hamas in Gaza–because many families have one or more members fighting as a Hamas member and/or funding Hamas. Thus, the only way to remove Hamas is to remove the fighters. It is readily do-able as an overall plan, but Hamas supporters will oppose it because they understand why works.

This Israeli government propaganda theory does not support the 50,000 dead and 100,000 injured. It also does not support the tens of thousands dying under the rubble or from illness due to lack of sanitation/shelter, or starvation from lack of good food/water, or infections from lack of medical supplies. The UN, the EU, the US public know what the Israeli government is doing. Trying to kill off Palestinians and to take Palestinian lands again and again and again!

I have flagged the post as ethnic hatred against Jews.