In case you didn't hear, because "news" was preempted by football nearly everywhere

A drone hit and exploded near “Bibi’s” home. It is being spun as an assassination attempt on him personally.


A bit more elaboration. There was not one peep about this on the late local news tonight.


This is not new strategy. Reagan sent fighter planes from aircraft carrier to attack Quigaffi in Libya. They attacked Saddam Husein’s residence in Iraq. Both missed.

Leaders need to be careful and be well protected from aerial attack especially in an age of precision missiles and drones.

Neither Libya or Iraq was able to meaningfully hit back at the US. Israel has been taking Gaza apart, brick by brick, for a year. And now the process is being repeated in Lebanon. Meanwhile “Bibi” has said Iran is in his crosshairs.


Bibi targets all kinds of Arab and Iran leaders in neighboring countries and assassinating some of them. Nothing wrong with his enemies doing the same.

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Are you on Iran’s side?

Are you on Hezbollah’s side?

It is one thing to have emotions about the Palestinians it is quite another to give up on allies. Iran and Hezbollah do not need your sympathies.

This may increase the probability of decapitation strikes against the Iranian government and lessen the probability of an attack on oil infrastructure. IMO, nuclear facilities remain at the top of the list.


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iirc, the US begged Israel to not damage the nuke and oil facilities. Reportedly, Israel has agreed to only go after military targets. Of course, Israel always does what the US wants, right? The US is entitled to obedience, because it is paying for all this, right?


We shall see. Of course, one could easily classify the nuclear facilities as military…


If there are military guards on Kharg Island, that would make it a military target? Probably depends on whether the “decider” wants to profit from rising oil prices.


No. I think we all would like to achieve a lasting peace in the mideast. But we know that is a very tall order. Would be great if other countries in the area (Arab or not) agreed that Israel has a right to exist and decided to stop attacking same.


Most of them already agree to Israel’s right to exist and existence. That is not the problem today.

All of this is a proxy war built on old feuds between the US and Russia.

Hamas without weapons and money for tunnels would be the governing body in Gaza building commerce.

Hezbollah is a problem for the Lebanese government. A subgovernment is always problematic.

Iran and SA have the center piece of the feud. The Iranian government would like the Muslim Brotherhood to create civil wars everywhere in the Arab capitals.

This has very little to do with Israel. Regardless of our press making Israel central.

There are four other larger wars in the region. Russia and Iran have been stoking them. Iran would like to start another 5 or 6 wars.

The US is finally squaring off with Iran over the nuclear weapons preparations in Iran. Israel is leading that.

If we do not take out Iran’s program the world is fullofshamefullidiots.

This is about Iran not Israel. This is about Iran’s government existing.

Ukraine is about Putin surviving or not.

Unabashedly on Netanyhu’s side regardless of your mischaracterizations of the war.

You on Iran’s side?


It’s actually possible to be against Iran and also be against Bibi. Don’t commit a bifurcation logical fallacy here.


And even more, be pro Israel and anti Netanyahu.

Israel as a country should exist, just as Palestine as a country should exist. It is Palestinians who never want to compromise, i.e. do not want Israel to exist, year after year, decade after decade. Just imagine what the region would have looked like had the Palestinians accepted the original 1947 partition plan. Just imagine what the region would look like if the Palestinians had not nixed the Oslo Accords in the 90s. Just imagine what the region would look like if the Palestinians had agreed to a land-for-peace deal pushed by Olmert in the oughts?

It’s always been the Palestinians unwillingness to recognize Israel as a country and continually call for its destruction that has put them in the position they are today.



That depends on whether you are using false information about the war?

Most of the dead in Gaza have relationships to Hamas. Very few innocent non Hamas folks have died. But yes Hamas sits in with everyone, unfortunately for everyone. Most Gazans are not Hamas and would not be doing what Hamas is doing.

There is a claim by Hamas for all of Israel to be Palestinian especially Jerusalem but very few Palestinians in Gaza actually have any history in Jerusalem. Gaza economically would be much more without the false claims to force ongoing war for decades now.

Do you blame Israel? And Netanyahu? Or when is enough enough and Gaza without Hamas going to make peace?

Gaza has made a choice to be at war. The tribal leaders have had no say.

I saw Nancy Pelosi on Amanpour and Co promoting her new book. She said she supports the people of Israel and their right to defend themselves. But she is critical of Netanyahu’s political party that seems unwilling to make peace.

In particular she mentioned Obama’s efforts for a two state solution which Netanyahu rejected.


Maybe what’s needed is a strong country (the UN seems too weak and Israel kind of ignores them) to put boots on the ground at the entire border between Israel and not-Israel and enforce those borders from encroachment both ways.

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Israel tried to enforce the border with Gaza with a ring of gates and detectors. That failed. Debatable whether invasion could have been prevented.

In modern times sealed border is probably not possible. Commerce requires many border crossings every day. And people cross the border to work on the other side.

Maybe a modern day moat is needed but not practical.

No two ways about it. Borders are porous.

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FWIW, the wall that Israel built during the 2nd Intifada reduced the death count from suicide bombings by some 85%.


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