I think that it is time for me to abdicate. I thought of saying “to resign”, but I don’t want to resign from the board, just to leave my lead opinion position on the board and leave it to all the other bright minds who work and share ideas here.
Why do I want to give up that lead opinion position? Well, I have realized that with aging I no longer can concentrate and focus on my stocks the way I did in all those years when I was getting huge compounded results. In fact, I realize that I no longer even want to. I find that I easily skip reading a conference call and rely on someone else’s reporting of it. Excellent as that is, it’s not the same as reading it with full attention myself. I don’t have the energy to investigate the many new stock ideas that come to the board, some of which may be excellent. A lot of my funds are now in cash equivalents to which I don’t even have current access.
I’ll still give my positions and results for the time being, but I’ll quit quoting my multi-year results, because the guy who got those results is no longer me… I’m out taking a long walk with my wife, or we are off to a museum, or we are playing some game at home (Chinese checkers is addicting), or doing a crossword puzzle, or I’m reading some mystery, etc, instead of me focussing on investing and my stocks and the market the way I used to.
What that means is: For God’s Sake, don’t follow what I do just because I’m doing it. I’m not the driven, focussed, investor that I used to be. Believe me! I’m telling you the truth! Make your own decisions, or even copy someone else if you have to copy someone, but not me! I’m simply not paying full attention.
Wow, Saul, thank you for sharing and while your leadership will be sorely missed, the whole point of investing is to have enough money to enjoy your life - so now you are doing that, kudos to you, you have achieved the ultimate success.
Given your tremendous contribution to my understanding of stocks, I am tempted to be saddened by your decision. That would be wrong. You are teaching me to fish and have taught others. You have been an extraordinarily hard worker and transparent in a world where others often hoard their expertise. To paraphrase - Well done, good and faithful servant! You deserve only the best and I wish that for you and yours.
OMG tell me this not true. Some of us are right behind you Saul in age. I always carry with me what George Burns responded when asked how he lived to be 100? “When God knocks at the door, I do not answer”. But Saul please occasionally answer our pings on this board. We still need you.
Your investment instruction and example through the years has improved my investing acumen, helped me retire early, and helped fund my children’s college.
I’m filled with ambivalence seeing your announcement. I’m saddened to see the end of your active investing, but delighted that you can reap the rewards of some joyous times with your family. I will pray that you have several more happy years of walks with your wife, crossword puzzles, and Chinese checkers.
From all the lurkers and very infrequent posters who follow this board on a daily basis. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Saul.
You’ve created an intelligent, committed, and resilient community. It’s filled with thousands of people you’ll never meet - 99% of whom will never comment or like a post. And yet, you’ve had a profound effect on all of us.
I’m a vastly better investor than I was five years ago, and there is soooo much more still to learn. I’m motivated to keep pushing forward thanks to you.
My enthusiasm and interest in stocks will serve me and my family throughout my life. That passion got jumpstarted when I discovered your board and read through the Knowledgebase. I still get a jolt of energy every time I see that there’s a new post. I know there are 1000s of others who share the same experience.
Thank you for the gift of your investing knowledge and wisdom over the years. From my first discovery of your board in 2015, your simple common sense perspective on investing has taught me many valuable lessons and transformed my understanding of the financial world in ways I never imagined possible.
I am delighted to hear you are moving to a new evolution of your life. May you find joy and peace with what comes next!
My handle here is JabbokRiver. The ford of the Jabbok River is the place in Genesis 32 where Jacob wrestled with an angel and came out limping, but with a blessing and a new name. After that wrestling match, Jacob was able to be reconciled to his brother and begin what would be his real legacy.
You have provided a place on this board where we can wade into the investing waters, wrestle with each other and with the market, and emerge with new understanding, many blessings, and more than a few limps! And under your watchful care, we have learned and grown.
I am sorry that I didn’t find this special place sooner; but am grateful that I found my way here in time to have the solace of wise companions when 2022 rolled around! Thank you for your welcome, your time, and the lessons you have taught so many of us over the years.
Enjoy those long walks with your wife, in the world of things that matter most. And if you start a board of strategies for Chinese Checkers, let us know!
I’ve been with you on this board not long after you created it. I remember when we paid a lot of attention to P/E as well as growth rates. When we were invested in companies like Skechers, Casey’s, Criteo, Epam and many others. It’s been a ride.
You have enriched my life and the lives of my family members. The enrichment is not limited to financial gains. I’m a better person for having known you. I can’t begin to express my gratitude and appreciation for all that you have so generously shared.
Thanks so much Saul for sharing your pragmatic, incisive, and ruthless investing style. You’ve taught us to rely on ourselves and do the hard work to find those investing gems. It’s been a great run! I wish you and your wife the best as you enjoy the fruits of your labour.
Dear Saul, am incredibly grateful for all the time, effort and meticulous diligence you have dedicated over the years to mentor and educate thousands of people on investing in stocks and on financial literacy, in general. I cherish the memory of hiking in Northern France with you, having dinner several times and want you to know that my son, Jarod, is now studying Business and Finance in college and I hope one day will be adept at managing the portfolio that I have been fortunate to grow tremendously over the past 25 years. This discussion board and the friends I have made along the way (and now meet up with annually for ski trips, and visit or call frequently around the world) not only carried me through the lonely days of Covid, but have become dear and trusted friends and fellow adventurers that will remain for life. I have a little doubt that my thanks and gratitude for starting this discussion group and your countless hours of dedication and guidance are shared by tens of thousands around the world and your Inspirational legacy will live on for decades, as I hope you will also (once AI is able to help create bionic knees, shoulders, and other necessary body parts for us all to carry on!) Many thanks, my friend! -Victor aka PoleekoCowboy
I aspire to also one day abdicate. I’m kind of half way there myself. A few years ago I was obsessing way too much (in an unhealthy way) about my investments. I’ve gotten to an allocation mix that allows me to be much more chillaxed.
Dear Saul - you have certainly made an out sized contribution to so many people through this board that it is both a well earned abdication but also a moment for us all to reflect on our appreciation of your incredible efforts. I will treasure our conversations together from skiing to investing to world affairs. Whilst you leave the opinion lead role to one side I hope we can still continue to enjoy opportunities to share discourse, learnings and thoughts together.
Saul you are a remarkable individual. You saw a light and shared it with thousands, who all are eternally grateful for your leadership, guidance and demonstrating the power of focus.
You suggest you may not be as active here, but your please understand your presence will forever exist in the lives of your admirers.