It's time for me to abdicate!


I am extremely grateful for this board you created which has advanced my investing knowledge so much.

I discovered the board in 2020 at the height of the covid panic when I was beginning to doubt my own strategy. It was a great reassurance to read the Knowledge Base and know that I was on the right track.

One of my biggest take aways from your teachings was that long equity investing is not a zero sum game. We can all be winners together in this investing game.

Enjoy your retirement and the rest of us will continue on your legacy!


I can’t reply individually to all of the wonderful comments and appreciations, but I have to say that I really do appreciate all of them, and that they are important to me. They make me feel warm inside and help me to feel that all I did over the years was very worthwhile and helped a lot of people. Thank you all so much for telling me.

I’ll still be here, but not in the same expert role. :grinning:



Back in the nineties when I discovered the “Fool” , there was a board led by “trenchrat”, trenchrat’s board was a great source for learning and discussion. trenchrat passed in the early 2000’s and the board slowly went away.
I hope this never happens here, as Saul ,you have made such an impact on so many people that you can never imagine.There are several people here who are respected and hopefully will continue in the direction you have set.I look forward to whatever “emeritus” capacity you choose to proceed with the board. Enjoy your walks.


Huge thanks and respect to you, Saul, for creating and maintaining this excellent investing board. I really do appreciate you. I have learnt such a lot from digesting your wisdom and investing acumen over the past 4+ years since I first discovered this board.
Not a day has passed since then, that I have not visited this board, sometimes multiple times a day. I alway look forward to the last Saturday in every month when you usually post your monthly summaries.
I, like all the other posters on this thread, wish you really well in the next phase of your life.
And I’m thrilled that you will still continue to post on your board in the future.
Wishing you and your wife lots of health, prosperity and happiness.



Thanks Saul for mentoring a whole generation to understand how stock works! Best wishes for your future!


Speaking only for myself, I would ask you to tell us your thoughts on the best way to continue this board with the goal of maintaining its established level of excellence.



You have done so much for so many people. We all knew this day would come. You have certainly earned it! I selfishly hope we still see you active on the board, but hope you are enjoying taking the extra time with family and friends. You have left a strong legacy!




Ditto, I am thinking we need at least six people to cover all the different things that you did Saul. There is a need for research dept, a need for maintenance dept, a need for a sheriff, a need for Fool colab dept…sheesh. So much work and who ever helps keep this going is probably going to need help.



I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your wisdom. You have changed lives for the better for thousands of people / families!

I am truly grateful to have come across your teaching, and therefore regard you as my teacher. I’ve also done my best to show others your investing methodology, so more can benefit.

I wish you a wonderful retirement life. You deserve it. I will continue to share your knowledge until I reach your stage in life, if I am ever so fortunate.



Saul, it’s hard to believe this day has come. You’ve built something truly special—a community that didn’t just make people money but taught us how to think like investors. You proved over and over that ordinary-ish people can beat the markets. And your insights have always gone beyond the numbers, and your life lessons, like the importance of valuing youth and health over money, have stuck with many of us. You didn’t just show us what to invest in—you showed us how to invest, how to manage risk, and how to approach life with clarity. I know I’m not the only one who’s grown from following your wisdom.

The lessons you’ve imparted about living a fulfilled life, not waiting until we’re rich to enjoy it, and cherishing relationships—those lessons will stay with us forever. Thank you for your generosity, for creating this space, and for sharing your hard-earned wisdom. We’ll miss having you at the helm, but your influence will continue to guide us in both investing and life.


Thank you for all your wisdom and effort. Your investment skills and reasoning beat all those talkers and takers out there trying to sell us things, and you shared your skills as a gift to others. My request to whoever gets to decide, this board will always be named Saul’s Investing Discussions.


I absolutely concur with this and I was hoping the same too. This is one of Saul’s many legacies. I say many, because there have been so many different parts to his life, from the medical profession, author, linguist, investor, and so many others we wont know about, not forgetting husband, father (the greatest legacy of all).

Yes, I hope this board will always carry his name.

Thanks for all you’ve done Saul.



Hey guys, thanks and all that, but enough on what the board will be named after my demise. I’m still here, and the board has done just fine thanks the last seven months or so while I was recovering from surgery and then paying less attention. I’m not leaving the board, just not leading the discussion. Here’s what I wrote:

"I don’t want to resign from the board, just to leave my lead opinion position on the board and leave it to all the other bright minds who work and share ideas here.

Why do I want to give up that lead opinion position? Well, I have realized that with aging I no longer can concentrate and focus on my stocks the way I did in all those years when I was getting huge compounded results. In fact, I realize that I no longer even want to…

…I’ll still give my positions and results for the time being, but I’ll quit quoting my multi-year results…"

So thanks, really for the nice thoughts, but I’m still here. :rofl:



Another thanks from a long time follower and almost never poster. You’ve taught me and how many others to “fish”. It’s made a world of difference in our retirement. Thanks again,


Hi Saul,

I cannot thank you enough for all the life changing lessons in investing, portfolio management and tracking. I only hope that one day I can pay it forward, just like you. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :blush:

I’m very glad you will remain on the board!



Thank you for building this discussion group and community, with so much intelligence, integrity, and generosity. It brings out the best in people, to learn and share, and maybe attain a measure of financial freedom. I hope you thoroughly enjoy the extra time with your family.


Dear Saul,

I have been dreading this day for a long time, wondering how this board will continue to thrive when you decide to step down from a leadership role. To your credit, you have developed a new crop of leaders who will continue your legacy of teaching us how to invest and beat the averages. Thank you so much for everything that you have done for us. You have improved the lives of all of us on this board…through your teaching and your steadfast belief in the value of high growth stocks. This is my first post after being a member for 4 years. I am grateful to have found this board and to you for the confidence you have instilled in me to invest as an individual investor.

Don’t think that you will go quietly into the sunset. I and many of us will follow all your future posts on this board with the same interest and attention as always.



Can’t say enough so I will keep it short THANK YOU and Enjoy


Saul, what you’ve created here is nothing short of amazing. I wanted to share the tweet I just posted on X because I think it captures it all:

Foolish best,
Brian Stoffel



Thank you so much for all that you’ve shared over the years. I remember an article 40 years ago from Warren Buffett titled “The Superinvestors of Graham-and-Doddsville” in which he challenged the efficient-market hypotheses by saying that a number of investors that had consistently outperformed the market were all following a similar investment strategy pioneered by Ben Graham, Buffett’s professor at Columbia. I often think of those on Saul’s Board as the modern day equivalent, with you in the role of Ben Graham. I say this with the highest level of admiration and respect. I will forever be grateful for all that you’ve shared with us over the years. Perhaps one day, books will be written about Saul’s Board that will enlighten a new generation of investors. I can even imagine the movie!
