Just Checking... Spam To Fool Contact Emails?

Anyone else?

BTW, the longer I use this discussion board system, the less I like it. I tried re-using the same title from the linked post and the system blocks you from doing that. I suppose they think that is smart de-dupping but it just seems simplistic. Two groups of posters on two different boards can’t use the same title for different things? Wierd.

It’s also annoying to surf to a board’s main page, see a list reflecting the most recent posts to the board, then click on a post from 3 minutes ago only to be taken to a post in that thread that’s 3 months old because THAT is the last post you read in the thread, even though the link you clicked on implied you would read the post from 3 minutes ago.



It’s very passive aggressive. What they are trying to tell everyone is that you are not important and they would just like the free side of the boards to dry up and go away. Otherwise why would it be so hard to start another board up on Stocks or anything else?


I thought that was odd nearly a year ago. Then I realized some folks here revisit old threads by scrolling down endlessly to see topics from half a year ago, even a year ago.

It is kind of interesting but not a good use of time.

As soon as I see a thread becoming active after more than 2-3 months of inactivity, I mute it.

I like followups to discussions we had months or years ago. On the former LBYM board, there were threads that lasted 10+ years!


So you intentionally don’t read what was written in the past. Did you also skip history classes in school?



I’m getting all the same crap. I’ve only been a MF member for two years. It’s driving me crazy

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