Are you getting new fool-like email spam?

I have been following the Fool for decades, and a paying customer since 2006. For many years, I’ve used an email address at my domain (fool@…) to collect my email from motley fool. On September 21st, I began receiving spam email from financial and political sources to this email address, an email address which has not been disclosed anywhere other than my Motley Fool account. I opted out of their selling my personal information years ago.

Some have subjects which could be associated with the Fool, such as:
Should this CRISPR Biotech be the next Amgen?
BRICS Won’t Kill The Dollar - This Will
The World’s First $20 Trillion Drug?

There have been less fool-like money pitches:
Don’t Miss Out: Earn $5,000+ Monthly with Crypto
The Secret to Regular $2,000 Checks - Revealed
Wall Street’s 22-year-old Crypto Secret Revealed
Your first check (weeks away)

And political content:
Congress Crushes Roth IRAs & 401(k) Accounts
Celebrate Trump’s Unforgettable Moment with This Rare Collectible
The Democrats are rushing to do this before the election
Biden’s Dirty 2024 Secret
Breaking: Ukraine deals a blow to Russia!
Whispers of Chaos: Biden’s Resignation and a Sinister Alliance

These email lists claim I am getting this because I’ve expressed an interest in the Financial Education niche on one of their sign up forms or landing pages, which I have not.

Spammers include “USA Daily Letter” (UDL), TheWealthWhisper (TWW), Fresh Market Data (FMD) / Colonial Metals Group, (MYG), (TFV), Insta Wealth Daily (IWD), and Catch Your Insight (CYI).

These all boil down to Stark Media LLC and Event Horizon LLC. Given that my email address could only have been exposed to them through The Motley Fool, I suspect an internal leak or an external breach.

Is anyone else getting such spam from these companies to the email you use for The Motley Fool?

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Or your years ago opting out has expired…
Terms and Conditions change all the time in our digital world.

Hi @bytre,

Go to your Preferences, Emails page and verify the settings are what you want them to be.

I don’t get any of that stuff or the marketing stuff that everyone always complains about.

Does that help you?

All holdings and some statistics on my Fool profile page (Click Expand)

I’ve been around for eons and receive none of this from TMF.

Been getting the same thing and I think a lot of it also comes from Raging Bull. I back traced a couple years ago and it pointed to them. There are attorneys hungry for this kind of thing and they are free.