Killing Russian Generals

Not sure why this is being reported in the news, but that’s just me.

However, I believe that killing Russian generals is a dangerous mistake and a grave threat to the US and Ukraine.

What happens if they’re replaced with someone who is competent?



However, I believe that killing Russian generals is a dangerous mistake and a grave threat to the US and Ukraine.

The generals get themselves killed by being at/near the front lines.

What happens if they’re replaced with someone who is competent?

A Putin toady is, by definition, incompetent. The mentality required to be a toady is totally different to being a competent general officer in charge of a large military organization.


“What happens if they’re replaced with someone who is competent?”

that reminds me of an old football story. Barry Switzer’s Oklahoma Sooners were
playing Oklahoma State. OSU had a great running back, Thurman Thomas, but Switzer
told his defensive players that whatever they do, make sure that they don’t hurt Thurman
Thomas and force him from out of the game. OSU had a backup running back named Barry Sanders,
and Switzer knew that as good as Thomas was, he didn’t compare to Sanders.
( Sanders actually made Detroit Lions football enjoyable for about a decade, and that is
not an easy thing to do, lol )

Does Russia have great backup generals waiting in the wings ??
I have my doubts.


What happens if they’re replaced with someone who is competent?


They already left Russia.


Does Russia have great backup generals waiting in the wings ??
I have my doubts.

Russia has a horribly flawed system of command and control where decisions flow top down and response is unquestioning even if the guy on the ground sees imminent disaster in following orders. Their communications system is so bad that the generals often use their personal cell phones making it easy to track them.

A young officer’s only tool is a bad radio that is used to ask for directions from above. He is not expected to think for himself. If he survives long enough and gets lucky he may actually be promoted in which case he will follow the same system that got him there.

There is no professional NCO class, attempts to create one after the fall of the Berlin Wall were a dismal failure. The mere idea of enlisted professionals was simply not within the scope of Russian military thinking.

Even Napoleon wouldn’t allow live ammunition to be issued to his troops until battle was imminent, otherwise they trained ‘Dry’ (no live ammo). Ammo was expensive and only those silly Brits would use it to train with!



I agree killing Russian generals is risky.

These days assassinating generals or presidents with long range weapons is very feasible. One must be very careful!!!

That’s not how these are being killed though. They are being “heroes” and going to the front lines with their men.