$LCID: Lucid Is Struggling With More Than Quality Issues: Software Is Also a Headache

According to Business Insider, most owners see the software problems as inconvenient, but that may tarnish the brand because of the public it targets with its vehicles. Luxury customers are used to a more premium and reliable experience than the Air currently offers.

Among the problems it has caused, there are reports of cars bricking and also driving in the wrong way. Although Business Insider did not disclose the circumstances in which that happened, we can assume it was while using the DreamDrive advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS). Driving in the wrong direction in any other situation would be a problem with the driver, not the vehicle.

Philip Koopman saw that as an opportunity to address how car companies are dealing with software. From the autonomous vehicle safety expert’s view, Lucid’s problems reflect a more widespread mistake most carmakers are committing with “computers on wheels.”

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