Lutheran organizaiton Laundering money?

** In an X post published Saturday, Flynn, who briefly served as National Security Advisor in the first Trump administration, maintained that the “Lutheran” faith was using “religion” as a “money laundering operation.”**

Lutheran groups push back on Elon Musk’s allegation tax dollars were used for ‘illegal’ activity

First they came for the Lutherans, then the Catholics, then the…

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It won’t surprise me at all if non-profits that get on the wrong side of the administration lose any federal funding, and eventually have their tax status questioned.


Just think though. They are attacking religion and the religious right is silent? Are Lutheran’s just not well liked by the far right? Could you imagine Biden doing this and what would happen? Heck even the Lutheran Senator is deathly quiet.

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Yes. Silent or compliant. And of course, not all of them are on the right.

Biden would have been impeached five times by now for the myriad of things we have seen so far.


The Catholics have been laundering money for years to stay one step ahead of the Sheriff in the child sex abuse investigations.



And, of course, get tax breaks as all religions do because of “separation of church and state.”


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Are they really on the left or just pretending to be? Hard to imagine people on the left canning a preacher for telling them how to stand up to the right.

Appears to be. He got a standing O after the sermon, but then - money.

The congregation, including the board of deacons, the church’s governing body, gave Boswell a standing ovation.

Several weeks later, the board met on Zoom. They voted 17-3 to ask Boswell to step down. NPR obtained the audio.

“Ben has been given every chance to change his words and actions to appeal to a broader audience,” McClanahan said, “but has not been successful in doing so.”

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Imagine if Jesus was fired because what he preached wasn’t popular. :wink:


I get it the churches never really have been liberal. There has been liberal’s in them but mostly they are built on tradition and it is very hard to change anything.

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The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is as liberal as they come:

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America - Wikipedia

“The ELCA ordains women as pastors”
“ELCA’s Churchwide Assembly in Minneapolis voted to allow congregations to call and ordain gays and lesbians”

Some other Lutherans are as fundamentalist as they come, such as the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod (some of my wife’s family members are in this cult).

The defunded charity is, of course, affiliated with the liberal Lutherans.


That makes sense now.

Fortunately, I used to be sent to a Baptist lodge. Is there such a thing as a “liberal” Baptist?..well, I suppose there is. Northern Baptists were not as enthusiastic about slavery as southern Baptists.
