The plant patties cropped up in eight Mcdonald’s across the country in late 2021, including locations in El Secundo and Manhattan Beach. By January 2020, 600 locations across the Bay Area and Dallas-Fort Worth metro areas were slinging the meat-free sandwiches…
The desire for meat alternative climbed rapidly between 2019 and 2021 in the United States, but lessened in 2022 and declined in 2023, according to the Good Foods Institute, a non-profit that promotes alternatives to animal proteins.
Not to mention the famous beef flavored french fries. Originally fried in beef tallow, but now fried in vegetable oil but beef flavored with a coating.
Depends on what they define as “quality”. A Big Mac can be good, if done properly. On the few I have had in recent years, the patties tend to be black, dry, and cold. Keep in mind, “bad” is a quality, just as much as “good”.
Sure, but if somebody offers a “quality product”, I think it is understood to be of good or high quality not a bad quality. As far McD and other fast food, I don’t find any of it of value for money given local food is much cheaper and better quality. I did try a McD burger (1/4 pounder) a few weeks ago, it was pretty much what I remember but don’t think I will go choose to eat them again