More people barfing and having diarrhea on airplanes

… and airline CEOs don’t want to pay to clean it up. An Atlanta to Barcelona Delta flight got turned back after a passenger streamed diarrhea down the aisle on a run to the bathroom. That’s a huge hit to excessive Executive Compensation.

{{ “Sympathy vomiting” can be a real issue, flight attendant Nelson says. She recalls an all-nighter from San Francisco to Boston she took before the pandemic on which a passenger vomited 30 minutes before landing, causing a “chain reaction” among roughly 50 people and a “waterfall of puke going into the aisle,” she said. }}

I haven’t been on a commercial airline flight since before the start of COVID. I don’t think I’ve missed anything.



Every parent who has done a road trip with multiple kids knows this. Heck, the older kids learn this as a kid. (I am the oldest of my siblings and have been a part of chain vomiting in the back seat.)

I only became immune (mostly) to sympathy vomiting by having and raising a kid. Deal with enough puke and you can learn to control the response.

It’s still gross, though. You’d think adults would know of and be able to use the puke bags that airlines provide. Assuming they still provide them.

–Peter <== also hasn’t been on a plane since well before COVID. My last flight was in 2016 - easy to recall as it was to visit my dying father in law.


Some folks aren’t fast enough. I was riding on a Navy C-118, back when the earth was young. One guy was just not built for air travel. I don’t know how many times he hurled during that flight. I remember walking back to the galley for something, and passed his seat. He had barf all down the front of his whites. He had the seatback reclined, and another barf bag open, laying on his chest, ready for the next eruption.