EPAM just reported. Now 13 of my 15 stocks have reported earnings for this quarter.
Here they are with the year-over-year percent gain in earnings for the quarter.
WAB ---- 99/83 = 19.3%
FB ------- 42/35 = 20.0%
SKX ---- 110/61 = 80.3%
INBK — 46/13 = 253.8%
SYNA — 165/63 = 161.9%
SNCR ---- 49/39 = 25.6%
CELG ---- 107/83 = 28.9%
BOFI ---- 135/100 = 35.0%
SWKS —115/62 = 85.5%
POL ------ 46/44 = 4.5 %
XPO ------(13)/(40) = >150%???
CRTO ---- 28/12 = 133%
EPAM — 61/47 = 29.8%
Someone asked me if I would post the last eight quarters adjusted earnings for each stock as it reports so he could check his figures. Here they are (nine quarters, actually), for EPAM:
2013: 35 40 43 48
2014: 47 53 60 62
2015: 61
The average year-over-year gain in earnings so far this quarter for my portfolio stocks has been 73.2%. (XPO isn’t counted for reasons I explained in the previous post in this thread). The largest two positions (SWKS and SKS), making up almost 30% of my total portfolio, grew their earnings by 85.5% and 80.3%. ---- And, if you are comparing, the December quarter results, for my entire portfolio, were an average gain of 69.85%.
And here’s the 1YPEG information, with the results as of the time of reporting.
WAB ---- PE was 25.3, TTM earnings growth is 20.0%, so 1YPEG was 1.26
FB ------- PE was 47.0, TTM earnings growth is 62.1%, so 1YPEG was 0.76
SKX — PE was 21.5, TTM earnings growth is 131.6%, so 1YPEG was 0.16
INBK — PE was 14.6, TTM earnings growth is 48.8%, so 1YPEG was 0.30
SYNA — PE was 15.9, TTM earnings growth is 33.9%, so 1YPEG was 0.47
SNCR — PE was 26.0, TTM earnings growth is 30.3%, so 1YPEG was 0.86
CELG — PE was 28.7, TTM earnings growth is 26.2%, so 1YPEG was 1.10
BOFI ---- PE was 19.0, TTM earnings growth is 38.6%, so 1YPEG was 0.49
SWKS – PE was 21.2, TTM earnings growth is 76.5%, so 1YPEG was 0.28
POL ----- PE was 21.5, TTM earnings growth is 27.3%, so 1YPEG was 0.79
CRTO — PE was 38.2, TTM earnings growth is 320%, so 1YPEG was 0.11 (the lowest of any).
EPAM — PE was 28.1, TTM earnings growth is 32.6%, so 1YPEG was 0.86.
Average PE so far was 25.6. Note that Facebook and Criteo were the ONLY ones with a PE over 30! (I’m now out of FB). Also note that the HIGHEST PE of my three largest positions (SWKS, SKX, BOFI), making up over 43% of my portfolio, was 21.5. This is NOT an inherently risky portfolio!!!
Average TTM earnings growth is 65.9% (I think I under calculated it last time). Again, the largest positions in my portfolio (SWKS and SKX), in spite of their low PE’s of 21.2 and 21.5, had the highest trailing growth rates (besides CRTO) of 76.5% and 131.6% (and consequently among the lowest 1YPEG’s)
As far as 1YPEG, 4 of the 12 stocks had 1YPEG’s of 0.30 or less !! Two more were under 0.50. Four were between 0.50 and 1.00, and only two slower growing stocks were a little over 1.00. XPO had negative earnings.
Again, this is almost the opposite of a MF RB portfolio, where everything is over priced (it’s actually one of the criteria they look for), with enormous PE’s, and 1YPEG’s way over 1.00 (or 2.00, or 3.00). Our average PE is 25.6, yet the quarterly increases in earnings averaged 69.8% last quarter and are at 73.2% so far this quarter. Think about that!!! And the average year-over-year earnings growth is 65.9%! Just saying…it can be done.
I’m glad that people have found this interesting, as it takes an effort to compile it as each company reports.
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