Need a job?…
Rural school districts in Texas are switching to four-day weeks this fall due to lack of staff. Florida is asking veterans with no teaching background to enter classrooms. Arizona is allowing college students to step in and instruct children.

The teacher shortage in America has hit crisis levels — and school officials everywhere are scrambling to ensure that, as students return to classrooms, someone will be there to educate them.

“I have never seen it this bad,” Dan Domenech, executive director of the School Superintendents Association, said of the teacher shortage. “Right now it’s number one on the list of issues that are concerning school districts ... necessity is the mother of invention, and hard-pressed districts are going to have to come up with some solutions.”


This is hardly a new problem. There are several educators in my family… elementary music, teen at-risk or MRDD depending on the day, foreign language, inner city principal. All agree that:

  1. The gutting of ‘In loco parentis’ by courts has made any attempt at meaningful consequences for bad behavior farcical, or even counter-productive (the teacher is punished for making the attempt)
  2. In conjunction with #1, parental support is, in many cases, completely gone. Community and government support isn’t any better. Ohio’s school funding was found unconstitutional 25 years ago, and still hasn’t been fixed:…
  3. Union or not, educator salaries versus similarly-credentialed professionals are awful and getting worse. Those previously mentioned family members are all counseling their children to avoid the field entirely, exacerbating the shortage of talent entering the profession.…

There are several educators in my family… 1, 2, 3…

I also have several educators in my family - all will agree with 1, 2 and 3.
This is across MA, GA and CA - so it doesn’t seem like it’s a local problem.


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The day of diminishing educators has come to run.

Should say

The day of diminishing educators has come to rue

Google auto::correct from rue>>run
The Google remote vocabulary team in India only has a 3000 word repertory

…allowing parents to sue teachers if they say the wrong thing in a classroom.

I’m waiting for all the chatter about “parental rights” resulting in the shut down of child protective services agencies, so that parents can neglect, abuse, and torture, their spawn without “big gummit” interference. There was a case in Detroit a few years ago, where parents had tortured their son for years, calling it “discipline”.

The disappearance of Charles Bothuell V was a controversial case of an American child in Detroit who disappeared and was found imprisoned in the basement of his family home in 2014.[1][2][3] His father, Charles Bothuell IV,[4] and stepmother, Monique Dillard-Bothuell,[5] were charged with torture and child abuse. In 2016, Bothuell IV pleaded guilty to fourth-degree child abuse after accepting a plea deal.…

After all, don’t “traditional family values” say children are property? I see my coworkers posting “spare the rod and spoil the child” memes often.





“Job market “cooling”… but when there’s still so many openings it’s hard to start worrying about a steep economic decline. Could it cause S/P 500 to hit 3,000?”

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“Job market “cooling”… but when there’s still so many openings it’s hard to start worrying about a steep economic decline. Could it cause S/P 500 to hit 3,000?”

I bet pay rates “cool” a lot faster than the job market.

Steve…saw his pay rate “cool” several times, even in a robust economy