It’s good for both parties. Focusing on Bristol:
Conservative estimates for Opdivo are for 10b in 2020.
For long term $$$, bristol had to choose between believing one of the following:
(A) PD1 + other drugs do work well
(B) PD1 + other drugs dont work so well.
Generally, choice A seems to be the way things are panning out across PD1 trials. So, Bristol has to try to protect Opdivo, since trials with, say, Keytruda, may force Keytruda + other drugs to eat opdivo market share.
So, bristol can try and “double dip” on 214 & opdivo and stay competitive, meaning buy into 214, but risk losing $1-2b if 214 doesnt pan out. Plus side is an ability maintain & possibly grow opdivo, plus get 35% of profits from 214.
If they dont buy 214, they risk losing market share, and lose out on any potential 214 profits. Lets say Bristol did not buy 214 (or any other potential combination). Some other PD1 would come along with a good trial with their own combination therapy and rapidly become standard of care and become PD1 market leader. Looking at it that way, its silly not to partner- which is in fact what these companies with PD1 inhibitors are beginning to do. Going back to Bristol, if they lose out on even 5% of opdivo sales in 2020 (ie, someone else has a PD1 + another new drug that does well and bristol passed on 214) that 2b spent would have been lost within 4 years (and likely much sooner); plus spending more money in the future to try to recover.
This was a no brainer for a PD1 company. There’s an arms race taking place within this arena jockeying for standard of care for decades. Over time, there are tens of billions of dollars at stake.
With that said, this is all putting the cart before the horse. This is where I differ from most others posting on NKTR. I think NKTR is priced quite richly for a drug that, frankly, to me, has shown reasonable safety (so far!) but just too early to call on efficacy.
Do you want high risk, high reward with some current cushion around $100/share? buy now.
Do you want lower risk, with less reward but still be handsomely rewarded? buy when better P2 data comes out.
Want a better, less risky place for your money? buy in mongo - great earnings out right now!